javascript Programming Glossary: filetype
How can I make vim's taglist plugin show useful information for javascript? is what I found taglist.vim forces ctags to use the same filetype that vim is using. So even though the ~ .ctags snippet I found.. in .js taglist is forcing ctags into using the JavaScript filetype that vim is using which is built right into ctags already. The.. within ctags. Now when taglib forces vim's registered filetype the new definitions are used. Also missing from the previously..
fileReader.readAsBinaryString to upload files MIME type If the OS can identify one if fileObject.type '' filetype 'application octet stream' else filetype fileObject.type Build.. '' filetype 'application octet stream' else filetype fileObject.type Build a HTTP request to post the file var data.. encodeURIComponent crlf Content Type filetype crlf crlf crlf dashes boundary dashes xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader..
XMLHttpRequest: Multipart/Related POST with XML and image as payload loaded the string function upload_to_album binaryString filetype albumid var method 'POST' var url 'http request gen_multipart 'Title' 'Description' binaryString filetype var xhr new XMLHttpRequest method url true xhr.setRequestHeader..