javascript Programming Glossary: filereader
Authorization of Google Drive using JavaScript boundary r n const close_delim r n boundary var reader new FileReader reader.readAsBinaryString fileData reader.onload function e..
HTML5 Canvas drawImage ratio bug iOS function e var file e.currentTarget.files 0 var reader new FileReader reader.onload function e var image ' img ' image.on 'load' function..
Which browsers support <script async=“async” />?
How to determine presence of HTML5 drag'n'drop file upload API (like the one from FF3.6) works for now is checking whether the browser provides a FileReader class like this if typeof FileReader undefined #dropbox .hide.. browser provides a FileReader class like this if typeof FileReader undefined #dropbox .hide else connect events #filebox .hide..
Drag-and-drop file upload in Google Chrome/Chromium and Safari? javascript drag and drop upload All of these guides use FileReader or the Firefox 3.6's deprecated getAsBinary which no other browser.. in Chromium as well as Firefox and Chromium does not have FileReader . I'm using the latest Chromium nightly and it can drag drop.. and it can drag drop upload files while not supporting FileReader . I've seen someone mention that drag drop uploading can be..
Get Image dimensions using Javascript during file upload API from the W3C using the readAsDataURL function on the FileReader interface and assigning the data URL to the src of an img after.. supports the File API which is easy if typeof window.FileReader 'function' . If it does great read the data locally and insert.. function loadImage var input file fr img if typeof window.FileReader 'function' write The file API isn't supported on this browser..
javascript file upload size validation function showFileSize var input file Can't use `typeof FileReader function ` because apparently it comes back as object on some.. some browsers. So just see if it's there at all. if window.FileReader bodyAppend p The file API isn't supported on this browser yet...
Using HTML5 file uploads with AJAX and jQuery this question It's not too hard. Firstly take a look at FileReader Interface . So when the form is submitted catch the submission.. 'fileBox' .files 0 Files 0 1st file var reader new FileReader reader.readAsText file 'UTF 8' reader.onload shipOff reader.onloadstart..
Client Checking file size using HTML5? in latest versions of Webkit Gecko browsers if typeof FileReader undefined var size document.getElementById 'myfile' .files 0..
Preview an image before it is uploaded readURL input if input.files input.files 0 var reader new FileReader reader.onload function e '#blah' .attr 'src'
How does the paste image from clipboard functionality work in Gmail and Google Chrome 12+? on them to get a Blob. Once you have a Blob you can use FileReader on it to see what's in it. This is how you can get a data url.. the mime types var blob items 0 .getAsFile var reader new FileReader reader.onload function event console.log
Reading file contents on the client-side in javascript in various browsers fileForUpload .files 0 if file var reader new FileReader reader.readAsText file UTF 8 reader.onload function evt document.getElementById..
How to calculate md5 hash of a file using javascript here's how the major browsers stack up FF 3.6 supports FileReader FF4 supports even more file based functionality Chrome has supported..