javascript Programming Glossary: findtext
How can I use jQuery to style /parts/ of all instances of a specific word? order pattern must be a regexp with global flag function findText element pattern callback for var childi element.childNodes.length.. 0 var child element.childNodes childi if child.nodeType 1 findText child pattern callback else if child.nodeType 3 var matches.. matches.length i 0 window child matches i findText document.body bBuyNow b g function node match var span document.createElement..
jQuery find/replace without changing original text a RegExp object which must be a `g`lobal regex. function findText element pattern callback for var childi element.childNodes.length.. if tag 'script' tag 'style' tag 'textarea' findText child pattern callback else if child.nodeType 3 var matches.. with i wrapped version var element '#construct_version' 0 findText element 'World to' function node match var wrap document.createElement..
Full text search in HTML ignoring tags / & can use window.find in non IE browsers and TextRange 's findText method in IE. Here's an example http xeSQb 6 Unfortunately.. textRange document.body.createTextRange while textRange.findText text textRange.execCommand BackColor false yellow textRange.collapse..