javascript Programming Glossary: ff3.6
Javascript get input text value Y Y Y Y Buggy Y FF3.0 Y Y Y Y N IE Internet Explorer FF3.5 FF3.6 Y Y Y Y Y FF Mozilla Firefox FF4b1 Y Y Y Y Y GC Google Chrome..
How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers? but MQ width uses CSS pixels thanks to Quirksmode widths FF3.6 no known method FF4 media queries binary search see below WebKit..
Automatically resize jQuery UI dialog to the width of the content loaded by ajax of the browser window but it works sweet here tested in FF3.6 Chrome and IE8. I'm not making AJAX calls just manually changing..
How to determine presence of HTML5 drag'n'drop file upload API (like the one from FF3.6) of HTML5 drag'n'drop file upload API like the one from FF3.6 I am writing an application that's supposed to support HTML5..
When does the browser execute Javascript? How does the execution cursor move? body html The alert from the script doesn't appear on IE7 FF3.6 or Chrome4 I haven't bothered to check others I'm meant to be..
jQuery Popup Window Return Value to Parent Entity Picker this would be it. This needs to work in IE8 FF3.6 Safari 4 and Chrome 5. Thanks Mark javascript jquery..
How to edit a link within a contentEditable div var node selection if window.getSelection FF3.6 Safari4 Chrome5 DOM Standards selection getSelection node selection.anchorNode..
Does Javascript/EcmaScript3 support ISO8601 date parsing? return NaN including Chrome when using the code below FF3.6 works though. html body script type text javascript var d Date.parse..
What is the difference between Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation? want to enhance the experience for anyone happening to use FF3.6 or Safari 4 or some other whizbang developer nightly webkit..
OpenX Async Tags We use OpenX to serve ads so assuming browser supporting FF3.6 I presume we can just modify the OpenX ad tag from script type..
Retrieve the fragment (hash) from a URL and inject the values into the bean
Problem with date formats in JavaScript with different browsers
IE Bug (window === top) === false false window top true window window.window true In FF3.6 Chrome stable this doesn't happen. In IE typeof .toString
Is JavaScript 's ?śnew??Keyword Considered Harmful (Part 2)? Before the days of ES5 being commonly implemented only FF3.6 and IE8 are slacking we used new because we had little choice...
How to detect url change share improve this question In modern browsers IE8 FF3.6 Chrome you can just listen to the hashchange event on window..
what is the solution to remove/add a class in pure javascript? Eli Grey's shim below Disclaimer I believe the support is FF3.6 Opera10 FF5 Chrome IE8 classList.js Cross browser full element.classList..
window.opener.focus() problem in FF5+ calling if window.opener window.opener.focus in IE Chorme FF3.6 parent window become in focus BUT not in FF5 or FF6 how I can..
Crossbrowser onbeforeunload? functionality which is supported at least by IE6 and FF3.6. For IE onbeforeunload seems only to be supported by IE9 javascript..
Painless css3 writing background image moz linear gradient top #54a0ce #3584ba FF3.6 background image o linear gradient top #54a0ce #3584ba Opera.. 10 background image moz linear gradient top @start @end FF3.6 background image o linear gradient top @start @end Opera 11.10..