javascript Programming Glossary: ff
Javascript Object.Watch for all browsers? last document.write shows the correct value in both IE and FF . But if the callback function isn't called then that's kind..
Where can I find documentation on formatting a date in JavaScript d1.toString 'yyyy MM dd' returns 2009 06 29 in IE but not FF or Chrome d1.toString 'dddd MMMM yyyy' returns Monday June 29.. 'dddd MMMM yyyy' returns Monday June 29 2009 in IE but not FF or Chrome Also here I couldn't find any documentation on all..
Memory leak risk in JavaScript closures the prepareAjax function I've tested this construction in FF and chrome. It works just fine there but would this kind of..
How to efficiently count the number of keys/properties of an object in JavaScript? in any ES5 compatible environment such as Node Chrome IE 9 FF 4 or Safari 5 Object.keys obj .length Browser support from here..
How can I simulate a click to an anchor tag? would and emulates IE's recursion prevention. Tested in FF 2 Chrome 2.0 Opera 9.10 and of course IE 6 DOCTYPE html PUBLIC..
Resizing an iframe based on content a general rule of thumb to allow for differences in IE and FF height reporting can be adjusted as required.. document.getElementById..
Which browsers support <script async=“async” />? compatible browsers that understand the async attribute FF 3.6 IE 10 starting with preview 2 Chrome 8 full support starting.. browsers did not support this syntax the list changes FF 4 IE 10 preview 2 and up Chrome 12 Safari 5.1 No android versions..
How do I send a cross-domain POST request via JavaScript? POST. I have only verified this works with safari chrome FF 3.6. Keep in mind the following if you do this Your server will.. tested android iPad iPhone There is a pretty big bug in FF 3.6 where if the server returns a non 400 response code AND.. AND there is a response body validation errors for example FF 3.6 wont get the response body. This is a huge pain in the ass..
Detect changes in the DOM function if support.DOMSubtreeModified for FF 3 Chrome el.addEventListener 'DOMSubtreeModified' callback.. 'DOMSubtreeModified' callback false else for FF 2 Safari Opera 9.6 el.addEventListener 'DOMNodeInserted' callback.. alert The Times They Are a Changin' This works on IE 5.5 FF 2 Chrome Safari 3 and Opera 9.6 share improve this answer..
contenteditable, set caret at the end of the text (cross-browser) up div div button id insert_caret button I believe in FF it would look something like this hey br what's up and in IE..
Trailing commas in JavaScript standard in JavaScript or do most browsers like Chrome and FF just tolerate them I thought they were standard but IE8 puked..
How to detect Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera browser? Firefox and Opera browser I have 5 addons extensions for FF Chrome IE Opera and Safari. I need the code to recognize the..
HTML5 History API Demo a li ul button onclick back Back button button onclick ff Forward button div Action span id action span br Url span id.. back act 'Back' history.back Goes forward function ff act 'Forward' history.forward function load menu 'menu' url..
Inserting a text where cursor is using Javascript/jquery 0 var br txtarea.selectionStart txtarea.selectionStart '0' ff document.selection ie false if br ie txtarea.focus var range.. txtarea.value.length strPos range.text.length else if br ff strPos txtarea.selectionStart var front txtarea.value .substring.. strPos range.moveEnd 'character' 0 else if br ff txtarea.selectionStart strPos txtarea.selectionEnd strPos txtarea.focus..
Can scripts be inserted with innerHTML? loads into the dom but it is never executed at least in ff and chrome . Is there a way to have scripts execute when inserting..
Reading Iframe Content in Iframe Load does have onload event. ie uses the frame id attribute but ff uses name attribute. So use both and make the same You can then..
Current time formatting with Javascript Returns the milliseconds 0 999 . getTimezoneOffset Returns the number of minutes between the machine local time.. date.getMilliseconds format format.replace ^ ^ fff g 1 ii f 3 f Math.round f 10 format format.replace ^ ^ ff g.. fff g 1 ii f 3 f Math.round f 10 format format.replace ^ ^ ff g 1 ii f f Math.round f 10 format format.replace ^ ^ f g 1 f..
How to escape apostrophe or quotes on a JSP ( used by javascript ) correctly with quotes and control chars tab backslash cr ff etc. So a tab becomes the characters ' ' and 't'. share improve..
Javascript: Can data be passed bi-directionally through an iframe? DOM inside an iframe from the parent container level is difficult and I'm wondering if there's something I don't know it's.. that are have to be done. EDIT tested in current chrome ff and IE 6 9 I hope this will help you with you problem. But again.. because there is it minimizes the risk to mix the differnt context iframe.slideUp This way would work at least in..
<input type='file'> IE Gives full path, FF gives only filename (or directory browse) [duplicate] of local bookmarks ie user wants to access c MyStuff Myfile.xls on their local Pc. How do I save get that value without.. make a tutorial help page on how to cut and paste c MyStuff Myfile.xls . The below code works in IE7. I understand the point.. language JavaScript type text javascript works on ie8 not ff. function SavePath if document.getElementById 'dir' .value ''..
D3 samples in a Microsoft Stack would really suggest chrome the dev tools are way ahead of ff and ie go to 8000 . The example should show up. ..
How can I perform flood fill with HTML Canvas? with properties r g b a. If no alpha value is given 255 0xff will be assumed. toRGB function color var r g b a html html.. b b b if html.length 4 a html.substring 3 4 a a a else a ff else if html.length 6 html.length 8 r html.substring 0 2 g.. g html.substring 2 4 b html.substring 4 6 a html.length 6 ff html.substring 6 8 Convert from Hex Hexidecimal to Decimal..
Cross-browser curved borders borders What is the best way to achieve cross browser ff ie 6 chrome opera safari curved corners on a div. I found this.. doing wrong or is there a better way to achieve the same effect its working in all browsers except in IE javascript html..
HTML5 File API read as text and binary but they didn't perhaps large Strings are more memory efficient than large arrays of Numbers since Numbers are floating.. a file with Unicode characters in it you should notice a difference since JavaScript strings are UTF 16 and so some characters.. map it to JavaScript's UTF 16 strings. You can see the effect if you create a file and store it in something other than..
JQuery html() vs. innerHTML method that it'll perform like innerHTML is there any difference between innerHTML and jquery html method and if these.. populate them dynamically application is working fine on ff but IE fires error unknown runtime exception . I used jquery.. call .innerHTML after doing some checks for nodeType's stuff. It also uses a try catch block where it trys to use innerHTML..
Invalid date in safari date in safari alert new Date '2010 11 29' chrome ff doesn't have problems with this but safari cries invalid date.. improve this question The pattern yyyy MM dd isn't an officially supported format for Date constructor. Firefox seems.. the milliseconds field may be omitted. Z is the time zone offset specified as Z for UTC or either or followed by a time expression..
Does execCommand SaveAs work in Firefox? SaveAs work in Firefox Why does this not work in ff chrome javascript document.execCommand 'SaveAs' 'true' 'http..
How to force save as dialog box in firefox besides changing headers? a save as dialog box for example.pdf in ff i can't change the headers javascript firefox save share.. you will see they are the exact same images. The only difference in the two links is the mime type view image preview shortened..