javascript Programming Glossary: ff2
Getting selected text in a browser, cross-platform isn't what I want and most of it worked in IE but not in FF2 or 3. Ideally I'd like some function that can return the currently..
Mocking a useragent in javascript?
Wrap Text inside fixed Div with css or javascript? and 7. I only want to works on all latest browser which is FF2 3 IE7 IE8 Safari Chrome Opera latest . Please help me out. Thanks...
Javascript Date() constructor doesn't work for IE. IE new Date 04 02 2008 Wed Apr 2 00 00 00 EDT 2008 FF2 new Date 04 02 2008 Invalid Date So lets try another constructor...
Responding to the onmousemove event outside of the browser window in IE the window just doesn't work 1 . The problem for IE and FF2 actually lies in whether an element is selectable or not See..
Send ByteArray to JavaScript a base64 encoded version of the image. Modern browsers IE8 FF2 etc will accept a DATA URI as the SRC of an IMG tag and will..
Is it possible to listen for changes to an object's attributes in JavaScript? but not essential. Our users are using IE6 7 Safari and FF2 3 so if it is possible but only for modern browsers I'll have..
Using // in a <script>'s source anyone encountered issues in any of these browsers IE 5.5 FF2 Chrome Opera 9 Safari 3 Has anybody had success stories javascript..
How do I retrieve an HTML element's actual width and height? compatibility Looking for a solution that works on IE6 FF2 Opera and Webkit based browsers Safari 3 Google Chrome . javascript..
Which browsers support document.activeElement? is supported by IE6 FF3 Safari 4 Opera 9 Chrome 9 . FF2 Saf3 don't support this property share improve this answer..
Dynamically inserting javascript into HTML that uses document.write I cannot find any clue in the javascript implementations FF2 3 IE6 7 of this behavior. Can anyone clarify if this should..
Debugging JS events with firebug If you are like me and prefer to debug with Firebug for FF2 you can use the age old arguments.callee.caller.toString method..
using javascript to mark a link as visited javascript to mark a link as visited FF2 at least doesn't mark as link as visited if it triggers the..