javascript Programming Glossary: document.title
Add to favorites button Mozilla Firefox Bookmark window.sidebar.addPanel document.title window.location.href '' else if window.external 'AddFavorite'.. IE Favorite window.external.AddFavorite location.href document.title else if window.opera window.print Opera Hotlist this.title.. if window.opera window.print Opera Hotlist this.title document.title return true else webkit safari chrome alert 'Press ' navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase..
Javascript for “Add to Home Screen” on iPhone? similar to IE's window.external.AddFavorite location.href document.title possibly javascript iphone mobile safari bookmarks homescreen..
Accessing Variables from Greasemonkey to Page & vice versa function 'use strict' var greasy 'greasy variable' document.title 'greasy title' 'stovetop' gets alerted so I know the page javascript.. gets alerted so I know the page javascript works and document.title gets changes so I know that the script javascript works. However..
How to detect when a tab is focused or not in Chrome with Javascript? correctly. window.addEventListener 'focus' function document.title 'focused' window.addEventListener 'blur' function document.title.. 'focused' window.addEventListener 'blur' function document.title 'not focused' The focus event works weird only sometimes. If.. works as of 2011 window.addEventListener 'focus' function document.title 'focused' window.addEventListener 'blur' function document.title..
Cross-browser bookmark/add to favorites javascript [duplicate] Firefox Bookmark window.sidebar.addPanel location.href document.title else if window.external IE Favorite window.external.AddFavorite.. IE Favorite window.external.AddFavorite location.href document.title else if window.opera window.print Opera Hotlist this.title document.title.. else if window.opera window.print Opera Hotlist this.title document.title return true HTML a id bookmarkme href # rel sidebar title bookmark..
Make Browser Window Blink in Task Bar a different tab. newExcitingAlerts function var oldTitle document.title var msg New var timeoutId var blink function document.title.. var msg New var timeoutId var blink function document.title document.title msg ' ' msg var clear function clearInterval.. msg New var timeoutId var blink function document.title document.title msg ' ' msg var clear function clearInterval timeoutId document.title..
How do I add a class to a given element?
Remove all classes that begin with a certain string
Modify the URL without reloading the page document.getElementById content .innerHTML response.html document.title response.pageTitle window.history.pushState html response.html.. document.getElementById content .innerHTML e.state.html document.title e.state.pageTitle For a more in depth look at manipulating..