javascript Programming Glossary: dontenum
How to display all methods in a JavaScript object? as Math String Date parseInt etc. These have attributes DontEnum . Additional host defined properties. This may include a property.. built in properties and methods of these objects have the DontEnum attribute set on them. Since most browsers have Edition 5 implementations.. . Update a fellow SO user CMS brought an IE bug regarding DontEnum to my attention. Instead of checking the DontEnum attribute..
Are there still ECMAScript 3 implementation differences in major browsers? alert foo bar false Another well known JScript bug is the DontEnum Bug if an object in its scope chain contains a property that.. chain contains a property that is not enumerable has the DontEnum attribute if the property is shadowed on other object it will..
IE8 bug in for-in JavaScript statement? answer . Quoting CMS Another well known JScript bug is the DontEnum Bug if an object in its scope chain contains a property that.. chain contains a property that is not enumerable has the DontEnum attribute if the property is shadowed on other object it will..
prototype and constructor object properties is a regular property of the prototype object with the DontEnum flag set so it doesn't show up in loops . If you replace.. setting Obj2.prototype.constructor Obj2 but this way the DontEnum flag won't be set. Because of these issues it isn't a good idea..