javascript Programming Glossary: document.selection.empty
how to modify the document selection in javascript? sel.removeAllRanges sel.addRange range else IE document.selection.empty var range document.body.createTextRange range.moveToElementText..
Clear Text Selection with JavaScript
Remove all JavaScript event listeners of an element and its children?
JavaScript: Disable text selection via doubleclick .removeAllRanges else if document.selection document.selection.empty script Edit to also prevent selecting whole paragraph by triple.. .removeAllRanges else if document.selection document.selection.empty Live test case . Should be cross browser please report any browser..
Clear a selection in Firefox share improve this question For the problematic browser document.selection.empty For other browsers window.getSelection .removeAllRanges See..
Prevent text selection after double click question function clearSelection if document.selection document.selection.empty document.selection.empty else if window.getSelection var sel.. if document.selection document.selection.empty document.selection.empty else if window.getSelection var sel window.getSelection sel.removeAllRanges..