javascript Programming Glossary: deliver
Alternative to a million IF statements @ domain break Just try to reduce the amount of data to deliver to the client as much as you can. share improve this answer..
How to use GM_xmlhttpRequest in Injected Code? Avoid or reduce the dependency on outside servers to deliver libraries. Avoid potential side effects and dependencies with..
Javascript or JQuery get html content from external site [duplicate] other option is to pull the data yourself server side and deliver this to the client from your domain. share improve this answer..
How to detect if JavaScript is disabled? I assume that you're trying to decide whether or not to deliver JavaScript enhanced content. The best implementations degrade..
uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images processing storing and delivering user provided files and images Later or earlier in a web.. and further processing of the files How do I store and deliver Are there best practises on how to store the uploaded files.. type conversion resizing thumbnail generation ... storing delivery on the frontend side This will adress all of the steps and..
Facebook: Unsafe JavaScript issue (document.domain values should be same) the iframe must have the same protocol of the site that deliver the iframe so if you are testing your app in sandbox mode http.. channelUrl ' channel.html' The channel.html delivered by your server should contain this single line script src..
JavaScript eyedropper (tell color of Pixel under mouse cursor) However it's FF only of course and I would really like to deliver the tool along with the CMS. A dutch developer has had the very..
Client notification, should I use an AJAX Push or Poll? on a simple notification service that will be used to deliver messages to the users surfing a website. The notifications do..
Local file access with javascript and the DOM provide the potential for malicious authors to deliver scripts to run on a client computer via the web. Browser authors..
Looking for a Rich Text Editor that is simple free software archive site so I can't pay. I use Django to deliver the pages and jQuery for some effects if that matters. I wonder..
Benefits of loading js at the bottom as opposed to the top of the document or dynamics. I believe if you do not use a content delivery network to deliver images to the client then you are only allowed.. I believe if you do not use a content delivery network to deliver images to the client then you are only allowed to process a..
Testing whether a value is odd or even scenarios. So I set out to create robust functions that deliver correct results for as many scenarios as I could so that only..