javascript Programming Glossary: delegating
What is DOM Event delegation? event delegation Interesting approach PPK uncovered for delegating the focus and blur events which do not bubble share improve..
Google Maps API v3 - IP-based Geolocation
Ext JS: Proper technique to add listeners to DOM created via an XTemplate? you use xtemplate. Fortunately there is analog in ExtJs delegating events. Just look at the code Ext.getBody .on 'click' function..
When using jQuery on(), why use (document) vs. the element itself? added elements. You use document because you're delegating events on children of the document object so events bubble up.. events to specific elements. I personally don't recommend delegating through the document object but rather the closest parent that..
jQuery clone() not cloning event bindings, even with on() bind the events to the targets but to the element you are delegating on. So if you have '#container' .on 'click' '.button' ... The..
Why not take Javascript event delegation to the extreme? so my question is is there any other downside to just delegating all events for all site wide components to the BODY as opposed.. to binding them directly to the HTML elements involved or delegating them to a non BODY parent element javascript javascript events..