javascript Programming Glossary: defines
Can a site invoke a browser extension? script fires those events. Functions If the content script defines a new global function foo as you might try when setting up a..
Why aren't some technically serializable input properties serializable? this question The Specification for input elements defines the exact behaviour. Start reading from here before that the.. reflects the value content attribute def . The attribute defines the default value property ref . This value is also reflected..
Difference of the value, prototype and property jQuery.fn jQuery.extend jQuery.fn.extend function defines the extend method extends the jQuery function and adds some..
How does “this” keyword work within a JavaScript object literal? situation in Javascript. I have a class with a method that defines several objects using object literal notation. Inside those..
Event detect when css property changed using Jquery improve this question Yes you can. DOM L2 Events module defines mutation events one of them DOMAttrModified is the one you need...
How can I simulate a click to an anchor tag? a reference to its global event object . DOM level 2 defines no such global variable so for that reason the simulator must..
What is the JavaScript >>> operator and how do you use it? 0xFFFFFFFF. In this case this is useful because ECMAScript defines Array indexes in terms of 32 bit unsigned ints. So if you're..
What does it mean that Javascript is a prototype based language? classical inheritance the programmer writes a class which defines an object. Multiple objects can be instantiated from the same..
Example images for code and mark-up Q&As in this answer . It includes a Java based interface that defines the URLs and makes them easy to access. Details 32x32 pixel..
JavaScript “this” keyword rules are actually pretty simple. The ECMAScript Standard defines this as a keyword that evaluates to the value of the ThisBinding.. initial global execution context §10.4.2 1 . § defines what a direct call to eval is. Basically eval ... is a direct..
What does this mean? (function (x,y)){…}){a,b); in JavaScript a b return a b 10 20 The function a b return a b part defines a function and the 10 20 immediately after it calls the function..
Parse a JavaScript file through PHP to include some php code. The problem is that I have a few defines on PHP that I would like to use on JS as well. Is there any..
Stop execution of Javascript function (client side) or tweak it that it is an event listener. The control array row is defines like so bSearchSrcAttr identifyingRegex callbackFunction Where..
Do websockets allow for p2p (browser to browser) communication? not receive them. The W3C browser API spec only defines how to start an outbound connection. You can make an application..
How can I preserve the search filters in jqGrid on page reload? in the URL. There are parameter prmNames of jqGrid which defines the names of parameters send as a part of URL or as a part of..
Getting the closest string match can weight the parameters differently. The formula that defines the final score is a simply combination of the metrics and their..
Why is array.push sometimes faster than array[n] = value? benefits to doing it in either way the base Object type defines the default property access methods eg. interface Object put..
How to send FormData objects with Ajax-requests in jQuery? The XMLHttpRequest Level 2 standard still a working draft defines the FormData interface. This interface enables appending File..