javascript Programming Glossary: currentindex
CloudZoom with Fancybox would be better to use 'onComplete' function currentArray currentIndex for the sake of standard fancybox code SIDE NOTES You are loading..
How can I perform flood fill with HTML Canvas? shouldTest imageData pixels currentX currentY currentColor currentIndex seedColor tryX tryY tryIndex boundsWidth boundsHeight pixelStart.. bounds' origin. currentX x bounds.x currentY y bounds.y currentIndex currentY boundsWidth currentX shouldTest currentIndex ctx canvas.getContext.. currentIndex currentY boundsWidth currentX shouldTest currentIndex ctx canvas.getContext 2d imageData ctx.getImageData bounds.x..
How to randomize (shuffle) a javascript array? original post linked to this function shuffle array var currentIndex array.length temporaryValue randomIndex While there remain elements.. While there remain elements to shuffle... while 0 currentIndex Pick a remaining element... randomIndex Math.floor Math.random.. a remaining element... randomIndex Math.floor Math.random currentIndex currentIndex 1 And swap it with the current element. temporaryValue..
Paging Through Records Using jQuery this question Hope this helps var noName data null currentIndex 0 init function data data index if jsonObj alert No more data return this.currentIndex index var title jsonObj.title var text jsonObj.text var next.. body .append next nextHandler function noName.currentIndex 1 previousHandler function noName.currentIndex 1..