javascript Programming Glossary: curl
My node.js https client always works regardless of certificate validity some content. I've checked my server in browsers and with curl and the certificate is working correctly. If I run curl to grab.. curl and the certificate is working correctly. If I run curl to grab data from the server it correctly complains about the..
Starting phantomjs server from php and waiting for it's response to run a phantomjs server from my php script then do a curl request to it and read it's response which in the final version.. data echo ' type success data '. data.' ' function curl_post url array post NULL array options array defaults array.. 5 CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS http_build_query post ch curl_init curl_setopt_array ch options defaults if result curl_exec..
Get List of jQuery UI themes - from an URL (same-origin-policy) Nothing you can do. You can set up a PHP script that can curl that page and then you can just ajax the PHP script. Like what.. script. Like what kuncajs said You can use this short PHP curl script on your server php ch curl_init URL to grab curl_setopt.. can use this short PHP curl script on your server php ch curl_init URL to grab curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL 'http jquery
Get value of input field inside an iframe the other site using a method like file_get_contents or curl etc. So create a script for example select_local.php in the..
JavaScript: client-side vs. server-side validation another tool What if they send custom HTTP requests from curl for example Not allowing for that is not only naive from a security..
Setting up Twitter API, getting the last few Tweets LAMP here's the command you need sudo apt get install php5 curl Fifth Make a new PHP file and insert the following Thanks to..
Facebook 'Like' buttons and # URL strings? if your URL's produce different metadata when accessed by curl i.e. without JavaScript which I believe is not possible since..
Cross-site XMLHttpRequest 'dataAge' Here POST to MORE INFO http curl http htaccess sending post form data with.. htaccess sending post form data with php curl.html Fake data just for this example postResponse 'blahblahblah'..
Http request with node? Http request with node.js that is equivalent to this code curl X PUT http localhost 3000 users 1 javascript http node.js httpclient..
How to use redis PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE with nodejs to notify clients when data values change? local mkdir ~ node latest install cd ~ node latest install curl http dist node latest.tar.gz tar xz strip components.. # ok fine this step probably takes more than 30 seconds... curl http sh Install dependencies After you..
Automating Chrome to be more clear here. Let me explain. Things like wget curl etc. won't work because I have to get through logins in some..
How to structure my javascript/jquery code? module And then modules get loaded using AMD loaders like curl.js or require.js etc for example curl 'myApp moduleA' 'myApp.. AMD loaders like curl.js or require.js etc for example curl 'myApp moduleA' 'myApp moduleB' .then function success A B.. 1.7. More information on AMDS https cujojs curl http wiki Modules AsynchronousDefinition http..
What is meant by ?œleaking??into global scope? ever and use an async module loader like requirejs or curl Long story That comment was poorly structured. There is nothing..
How can I update NodeJS and Npm for the next versions? bug in the update command. In those cases you can do this curl https sh To update Node.js itself I recommend..
Using javascript with the twitter API the client sends a request to my server a php script using curl with the twitter username password unencrypted in GET variables...