

javascript Programming Glossary: ctx.strokestyle

What exactly is a canvas path, and what is the use of ctx.closePath()?


a red path using closePath in the middle ctx.beginPath ctx.strokeStyle 'red' ctx.moveTo 50 100 ctx.lineTo 100 150 ctx.lineTo 150 100.. exact same commands but without closePath ctx.beginPath ctx.strokeStyle 'blue' ctx.moveTo 50 100 ctx.lineTo 100 150 ctx.lineTo 150 100..

How to divide the Circles into 24/7 equal parts using canvas?


350 60 0 2 Math.PI false ctx.fillStyle #4DA54D ctx.fill ctx.strokeStyle DarkRed ctx.stroke ctx.beginPath ctx.arc 500 350 120 0 2 Math.PI.. ctx.beginPath ctx.arc 500 350 120 0 2 Math.PI false ctx.strokeStyle OliveDrab ctx.stroke ctx.beginPath ctx.arc 500 350 180 0 2 Math.PI.. ctx.beginPath ctx.arc 500 350 180 0 2 Math.PI false ctx.strokeStyle #530053 ctx.stroke ctx.beginPath ctx.arc 500 350 240 0 2 Math.PI..

How to drag images / objects within Canvas?


canvas var ctx canvas.getContext 2d ctx.strokeStyle red ctx.lineWidth 5 var canvasOffset #canvas .offset var offsetX..