

javascript Programming Glossary: console.clear

Internet Explorer Console


FAIL' script Also you can clear the Console by calling console.clear . NOTE It appears you must launch the Developer Tools first..

clear javascript console in Google Chrome


share improve this question Update As of November 6 2012 console.clear is now available in Chrome Canary. If you type clear into the..

this Vs. prototype


the method area as a property of this instead of prototype console.clear function Rectangle w h this.width w this.height h this.area..

How to detect Chrome Inspect Element is running or not? [duplicate]


course function console.profile console.profileEnd if console.clear console.clear return console.profiles.length 0 share improve.. console.profile console.profileEnd if console.clear console.clear return console.profiles.length 0 share improve this answer..

Find out whether Chrome console is open


isInspectOpen console.profile console.profileEnd if console.clear console.clear return console.profiles.length 0 Update console.profiles.. console.profile console.profileEnd if console.clear console.clear return console.profiles.length 0 Update console.profiles has..