javascript Programming Glossary: compress
Free JavaScript obfuscators? [closed] I'm looking for a free JavaScript obfuscator. Would compression be enough What tools would you recommend Of course I don't.. something simple such as unescape . Thanks Tom javascript compression obfuscation share improve this question Your problem.. question Your problem is that no matter how much you compress it or hide it eventually the browser has to interpret it. The..
sort outer array based on values in inner array, javascript else if valueA valueB return 1 return 0 You can obviously compress that code a bit I've kept it verbose for clarity. share improve..
JavaScript implementation of Gzip implementations of Gzip. Any suggestions for how I can compress the data on the client side before sending it up javascript.. on the client side before sending it up javascript ajax compression gzip share improve this question Edit There appears to.. the site seems to have gone away has functions for LZW compression decompression. The code is covered under the LGPL . LZW compress..
How do I concatenate JavaScript files into one file? scripts concatenate the files into one and run the compressor over it. My problem is that if I use the old DOS copy command.. DOS copy command it also puts in the EOF markers which the compressor complains about copy A .js compiled.js Y What are other people.. Y What are other people doing javascript batch file compression share improve this question I recommend using Apache..
Which javascript minification library produces better results? [closed] fewer errors when obfuscating. javascript benchmarking jscompress minification share improve this question Better is a bit.. size doesn't tell the whole story since an aggressive compressor can result in slower run time performance due to the additional.. finally it's worth keeping in mind that server side gzip compression will always result in a smaller download than any code compression..
Are semicolons needed after an object literal assignment in JavaScript? the end of any statement. Why Because if you ever want to compress the script it will save you from countless hours of frustration...
Makefile to combine js files and make a compressed version to combine js files and make a compressed version I am trying to write a basic makefile that combines.. js files into a single one and then does the same but compresses them. So far I have this one that can make the compressed.. compresses them. So far I have this one that can make the compressed version fine. # Set the source directory srcdir src # Create..
HTML5 Boilerplate plugins.js it at run time like this Use a makefile to concatenate compress like a ninja like this Use a slick JS library like yepnope.js..
What do you use to minimize and compress JavaScript libraries? do you use to minimize and compress JavaScript libraries What do you use to minimize and compress.. JavaScript libraries What do you use to minimize and compress JavaScript libraries javascript compression minimize jscompress.. to minimize and compress JavaScript libraries javascript compression minimize jscompress share improve this question I use..
What are some good css and js minimizers for production code? one at a time. Thanks Brian javascript css optimization jscompress share improve this question YUI Compressor does both JavaScript.. see jQuery Frequently Asked Questions FAQ How do I compress my code Also check out Microsoft Ajax Minifier . jQuery has..
In JavaScript, what is the advantage of !function(){}() over (function () {})()? [duplicate] reason there are Javascript minifiers and obfuscators that compress the Javascript files to optimize the download time. For example..
Combining and Compressing multiple JavaScript files in php web2.0 . I am wondering what the best way combine and compress all of the files dynamically. Am I phrasing the question correctly.. my includes js directory. Thanks. php javascript jquery jscompress share improve this question You can use jsmin php Their..
Ways to compress/minify javascript files [duplicate] to compress minify javascript files duplicate Duplicate Best javascript.. javascript files duplicate Duplicate Best javascript compressor Which javascript minification library produces better results.. Javascript and CSS files So far I have seen these tools to compress javascript files Packer JSMin Yahoo Compressor On Packer page..