javascript Programming Glossary: compile
What is lexical scope? first one is called static because it can be deduced at compile time the second is called dynamic because the outer scope is.. variables to the called function. An example of why the compiler can not deduce the outer dynamic scope of a function consider..
Do browsers parse javascript on every page load? really the case with the modern interpreters which tend to compile the source directly into machine code with the exception of.. . Chrome V8 Engine V8 has a compilation cache. This stores compiled JavaScript using a hash of the source for up to 5 garbage collections... this means that whenever a script program is about to be compiled whose source code is identical to that of some other program..
Difference between the 'controller' and 'link' functions when defining an angular.js directive going to expand your question a bit and also include the compile function. compile function use for template DOM manipulation.. your question a bit and also include the compile function. compile function use for template DOM manipulation i.e. manipulation.. function or pre and post link functions and you defined a compile function the compile function must return the link function..
How does the “this” keyword in Javascript act within an object literal? it is very late binding. Not only is this not bound during compile time it is not even bound during runtime as most other late..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? add active when the route changes' inject function var elm compile ' a href hello when active Hello a ' scope location.path ' not..
jQuery compiled with Google Closure Compiler compiled with Google Closure Compiler Has anyone compiled jQuery against.. compiled with Google Closure Compiler Has anyone compiled jQuery against Google's newly released Closure compiler There.. compiled jQuery against Google's newly released Closure compiler There has been reported huge savings in code size. I'm curious..
Embedding JavaScript engine into .NET (C#) It implements Google V8. You can compile and run Javascript directly from .NET code with it and supply..
array.contains(obj) in JavaScript add the function to the array prototype. Languages that compile to javascript In coffeescript the in operator is the equivalent..
How Does Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Work? an iPhone app with Titanium Mobile 1.0 and I see that it compiles down to a native iPhone binary. How does this work Seems like.. Javascript code analyzes and preprocesses it and then pre compiles it into a set of symbols that are resolved based on your applications.. symbol maps to a true C symbol that ultimately maps to a compiled .o file that has been compiled for ARM i386 architectures...
Load less.js rules dynamically 1.0.31 it has a method less.refreshStyles which will re compile style tags with type text less try it out and let me know if..
Referencing Google's V8 engine from a .NET app could be used from any .Net language. Getting the lib to compile in such a way that it could be included in a mixed mode project..
CoffeeScript & Global Variables On bawbag x y z x y bawbag 5 10 would compile to var bawbag bawbag function x y var z return z x y bawbag.. variables in the coffee script that way it prevents the compiled JavaScript version from leaking everything into the global.. coffee script so let's take a look into what this actually compiles to var root root typeof exports undefined exports null exports..
How can jQuery deferred be used? tmpl create a jQuery object out of the template .tmpl data compile it .appendTo #target insert it into the DOM share improve..
Pattern for CoffeeScript modules elaborate a bit on where this is done by the CoffeeScript compiler and why. When you compile something with coffee c is done by the CoffeeScript compiler and why. When you compile something with coffee c you will always get a foo.js.. x 'stringy string' in . When it sees that the compiler asks Does x already exist in this scope or an outer scope If..
Can Javascript read the source of any web page? afford a mac i set up a toolchain kit locally on cygwin to compile objecti content iphone n simulator port for windows closed ..
Why is document.write considered a “bad practice”? is considered bad practice and I'm hoping to compile a list of reasons to submit to a 3rd party vendor as to why..
Why is using the JavaScript eval function a bad idea? etc. eval'd code executes more slowly no opportunity to compile cache eval'd code Edit As @Jeff Walden points out in comments.. today than it was in 2008. However while some caching of compiled scripts may happen this will only be limited to scripts that..
Why aren't PHP files used for (custom) CSS and JS? the document and referencing them in the static script. Compile dynamic scripts into static files as part of the build deployment..
Loading Partial Page With Angular and Compile The Controller Partial Page With Angular and Compile The Controller In large scale application our web application..
Why V8 in Node.JS is faster than in my native C++ addon? New sourceStringC v8 Local v8 Script script v8 Script Compile sourceStringV8 script Run v8 Local v8 Value timeResult v8 Context..
WIKI: How to use Lime (how to use closure-compiler with 3rd party (closure) libraries) and you can set breakpoints to step into 3rd party code. Compile your code In production you would want to compile the code to..
Improving Javascript Load Times - Concatenation vs Many + Cache the client all the others stand short compared to this one Compile your code with Closure Compiler Deflate your code it's faster.. short compared to this one Compile your code with Closure Compiler Deflate your code it's faster than Gziping it on both ends..
How can I see the machine code generated by v8? v8 generates from Javascript I've gotten as far as Script Compile in src but I can't figure out where to go from there...
How can I compile CoffeeScript from .NET? Also supports minification and combination. Manually Compile With IronJS IronJS is a .NET javascript interpreter that can.. CoffeeScript compiler and compile CoffeeScript. Manually Compile With Node.js Get the node binaries and add the bin directory..
Compile JavaScript to Native Code with V8 JavaScript to Native Code with V8 Is it really possible with..
UIWebView doesn't load external Javascript file Open the project in Xcode. Go to Targets and look in Compile Sources . If you see your js file in that folder move it to.. to the Copy Bundle Resources folder and delete it from the Compile Sources folder. Delete the app from your iPhone if it is installed..
Google Closure Compiler 100% typed Closure Compiler 100 typed How can I get my application to be 100 typed in.. p closure compiler Edit src com google javascript jscomp and change the line reportUnknownTypes CheckLevel.OFF.. CheckLevel.OFF to reportUnknownTypes CheckLevel.WARNING Compile the closure compiler by simply calling ant in the root directory...
How to add javascript file to Xcode4 need to copy .js into remove the JavaScript file from the Compile Sources build phase and add it to the Copy Bundle Resources..
Using CoffeeScript in a production environment [closed] of CoffeeScript that your project was written for and Compile to JS under that version and keep the JS stored somewhere Have..
Compile CoffeeScript on Save? CoffeeScript on Save Is there anyway to easily compile CoffeeScript..