javascript Programming Glossary: com
Detect URLs in text with JavaScript kLINK_DETECTION_REGEX a z a z0 9 . a z 2 aero arpa biz com coop edu gov info int jobs mil museum name nato net org pro.. ' a href 1 1 a ' var text Find me at http and also at http var html urlify text html.. me at http and also at http var html urlify text html now looks like Find me at a href http..
Generate excel sheet from html tables using jquery base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel.. microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http TR REC html40 head if gte..
HTML Table to Excel Javascript to an excel file. And it works fine however it doesn't come up in the proper name but rather with a random string. And.. base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel.. microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http TR REC html40 head if gte..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript working I will paste progress here Update It has been recomended that I use the http project Transform.. It has been recomended that I use the http project Transform plugin. I am trying to use the client side.. as the example of include works here http jquery transform . The code works in IE but still not in chrome...
Why does the JavaScript need to start with “;”? files on the Web start with a immediately following the comment section. For example this jQuery plugin's code starts with.. Copyright c 2007 2008 Ariel Flesler aflesler at gmail dot com http Dual licensed under MIT and GPL. Date.. Flesler aflesler at gmail dot com http Dual licensed under MIT and GPL. Date 9 11 2008 .... skipping..
Sanitize/Rewrite HTML on the Client Side this question Shameless plug see http p google caja source browse trunk src com google caja plugin.. http p google caja source browse trunk src com google caja plugin html sanitizer.js for a client side html.. the whitelists are configurable as per http p google caja wiki CajaWhitelists If you want to remove all..
Calling C++ function from JavaScript script running in a web browser control mentions of three ways to do this Implement an ActiveX component that acts as a middle man. Implementation details here.. a middle man. Implementation details here http b nicd archive 2007 04 18 calling into your bho from a client.. contained example implementation. Here it is https Tobbe CppIEEmbed . Please fork and improve if you can javascript..
Desktop application development with Javascript and HTML Appcelerator was a good choice but it looks like the company is no longer interested in the Desktop SDK. Also ajax request.. a web browser control based on chromium. http p chromiumembedded It's written in C so you can do all the low.. level OS stuff you want Growl tray icons local file access com ports etc in your container app and then all the application..
Decode obfuscated JavaScript Free Javascript Obfuscator called javascriptobfuscator dot com var _0xb869 x3C x49 x46 x52 x41 x4D x45 x20 x46 x52 x41 x4D..
Youtube embed: Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame of the page to not render it seems that the DOM elements coming after the embed simply don't show up on the page despite.. JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http detail COMMUNICATION search com sonyericsson hanashi from frame.. with URL http detail COMMUNICATION search com sonyericsson hanashi from frame with URL http
Javascript parser for Java parser for Java Anyone can recommend a decent Javascript parser for Java I believe Rhino can.. share improve this question From http p google caja source browse trunk src com google caja parser.. http p google caja source browse trunk src com google caja parser js The grammar below is a context..
JQuery Mobile + PhoneGap for Android - Error loading index.html to the speed of the emulator so the network is too slow complete the communication in a timely fashion. Set a 60 second.. of the emulator so the network is too slow complete the communication in a timely fashion. Set a 60 second timeout in PhoneGap.. in PhoneGap by adding the following property to src com phonegap super.setIntegerProperty loadUrlTimeoutValue..
Export dynamic html table to excel in javascript in firefox browser base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel.. microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http TR REC html40 head if gte..
jQuery XML parsing with namespaces 65B3 11d1 A29F 00AA00C14882 xmlns rs urn schemas microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema s Schema id RowsetSchema s ElementType..
How to use Phonegap SoftKeyboard Plugin for Android? is not working. Update I have added the plugin to the path com zenexity SoftKeyBoardPlugin Updated plugins.xml.. plugins.xml and included plugin name SoftKeyBoard value com.zenexity.SoftKeyBoardPlugin.SoftKeyBoard Then in the www folder.. working in my application. DroidGap Side create src com phonegap plugins SoftKeyboard with provided file
typeof returning “unknown” in IE when the object in question is on the other side of a COM bridge. You may not know this or realize this but MS ™s XMLHTTP.. this but MS ™s XMLHTTP object is part of a different COM object that implements IUnknown when you call methods on it.. when you call methods on it you ™re doing so over a COM bridge and not calling native JavaScript. Basically that ™s MS..
Getting SlowAES and RijndaelManaged class in .NET to play together two encryption methods to play together In my tests of the COM wrapped SlowAEs I used CBC mode and the encryption was completely.. the WSC component is also Javascript though it can be any COM language . Here's what I used. function toHexString a var ret.. in a WSC it will be interoperable running outside the COM environment as well. The WSC part is unnecessary for this question..
how do I access XHR responseBody (for binary data) from Javascript in IE? is also a possible technique using ADODB.Stream which is a COM equivalent of a MemoryStream. See here for an example. It does.. It does not require VBScript but does require a separate COM object. if typeof ActiveXObject undefined typeof httpRequest.responseBody..
Referencing Google's V8 engine from a .NET app a DLL but that DLL is not not a managed library and is not COM either. V8 is just plain C . Any ideas as to how to interop..
parse and execute JS by C# MyFunc 3 ComVisible true Script engines are COM components. public class MyItem public int Num get set Will..
What is the ProgId or CLSID for IE9's Javascript engine (code-named “Chakra”) ProgId and CLSID entries refer to each other. For a given COM object the ProgId key in the registry has a subkey called CLSID..
C++, C# and JavaScript on WinRT [closed] is about C this also fully applies to C# as P Invoke and COM Interop are still there. So if you can call it from C you can..
Extending an ActiveXObject in javascript As I said it's just an idea. Handle with care. P.S. A COM object is case insensitive when it comes to method and property..
How can I use JavaScript within an Excel macro? approach may be to embed the Javascript diff logic into a COM component directly using Javascript. This is possible via something.. on creating WSCs . A Windows Script Component is a COM component that is defined in script. The interface to the component.. defined in script. The interface to the component is via COM which means it is VBA friendly. The logic is implemented in..