javascript Programming Glossary: brendan
__proto__, when will it be gone? Alternatives? value of __proto__ . Doing so is strongly discouraged by Brendan Eich the creator of JavaScript amongst others. In fact the __proto__.. If you wish to know why then read the following comment by Brendan Eich. Browsers are not going to remove the __proto__ property...
Why is JavaScript called JavaScript, since it has nothing to do with Java? [closed] this question From an interview made to its creator Brendan Eich InfoWorld As I understand it JavaScript started out as..
Is there an equivalent of the __noSuchMethod__ feature for properties, or a way to implement it in JS? Proxies Tutorial Edit More information is coming out Brendan Eich recently gave a talk at the Conference you can..
Benefits of prototypal inheritance over classical? inheritance. This is because when JavaScript was created Brendan Eich the creator of JS wanted it to look like Java which has..
Load jQuery in a js, then execute a script that depends on it OK I FINALLY got it to work in an offhand suggestion from Brendan by putting the call ITSELF in an 'onload' handler like so function..
JSLint error: Move all 'var' declarations to the top of the function syntax in the for section 12.6 . Also it's the syntax Brendan Eich uses in his examples. The idea of moving the declaration..
How to set the prototype of a JavaScript object that has already been instantiated? the next 10 years as ES6 won't be finalized until 2013. Brendan Eich re Approach of new Object methods in ES5 Sorry ... but..
Minor drawback with Crockford Prototypical Inheritance to eval. It's basically just an oversight in the JS spec Brendan Eich stated he regrets defining the display name the way he..
Does “untyped” also mean “dynamically typed” in the academic CS world? and happy with.. so that wasn't the way to go. So I asked Brendan Eich the creator of JavaScript and he said academic types use.. something deeper to this that I am missing I agree with Brendan that context is important but any citations of explanations..
Why JS function name conflicts with element ID? Variable Object of that code . JavaScript was designed by Brendan Eich then at Netscape as a programming language that is easy..
function* in JavaScript to help steer the committee. Dave works closely with Brendan Eich Mozilla's CTO I think and the original JavaScript designer...
Is JavaScript an untyped language? share improve this question JavaScript is untyped Even Brendan Eich says so. On Twitter he replied to a thread that linked.. from Programming Language Theory the academic thing that Brendan is referring to . In this domain untyped just means everything..