javascript Programming Glossary: boxwidth
How to distribute floated elements evenly with a dynamic column and row count in CSS? var boxes document.getElementsByClassName 'box' var boxWidth boxes 0 .clientWidth var boxHeight boxes 0 .clientHeight var.. can fit into one row var columns Math.floor parentWidth boxWidth Calculate the space to distribute the boxes evenly var space.. space to distribute the boxes evenly var space parentWidth boxWidth columns columns Now let's reorder the boxes to their new positions..
Full Bleed Image Resize Calculation the comment from Ben I figured it out. full_bleed function boxWidth boxHeight imgWidth imgHeight Calculate new height and width.. var initH imgHeight var ratio initH initW imgWidth boxWidth imgHeight boxWidth ratio if imgHeight boxHeight imgHeight boxHeight.. var ratio initH initW imgWidth boxWidth imgHeight boxWidth ratio if imgHeight boxHeight imgHeight boxHeight imgWidth imgHeight..