javascript Programming Glossary: bt
Decrypting with private key from .pem file in c# with .NET crypto library wrap Memory Stream with BinaryReader for easy reading byte bt 0 ushort twobytes 0 int elems 0 try twobytes binr.ReadUInt16.. if twobytes 0x0102 version number return null bt binr.ReadByte if bt 0x00 return null all private key components.. 0x0102 version number return null bt binr.ReadByte if bt 0x00 return null all private key components are Integer sequences..
How to detect elements overlapping (overlaying) using JavaScript? br b.left b.width var at var ab a.height var bt var bb b.height if bl ar br al return false overlap.. if bl ar br al return false overlap not possible if bt ab bb at return false overlap not possible if bl al bl ar return.. if bl al bl ar return true if br al br ar return true if bt at bt ab return true if bb at bb ab return true return false..