javascript Programming Glossary: attachevent
What does “return false;” do? nor stops bubbling from a Microsoft DOM2 ish handler attachEvent it prevents the default but not bubbling from a DOM0 handler..
If a DOM Element is removed, are its listeners also removed from memory? could use detachEvent if you're adding events using the attachEvent method. You could use a check case to decide based on what the.. vs onClick model. jQuery internally uses addEventListener and attachEvent . Basically registering an event in modern way is the unobtrusive..
MSIE and addEventListener Problem in Javascript? share improve this question In IE you have to use attachEvent rather than the standard addEventListener . A common practice.. method is available and use it otherwise use attachEvent if el.addEventListener el.addEventListener 'click' modifyText.. el.addEventListener 'click' modifyText false else if el.attachEvent el.attachEvent 'onclick' modifyText You can make a function..
How to avoid global variables in JavaScript? element.addEventListener type method false else if 'attachEvent' in element element.attachEvent 'on' type method If addEventListener.. method false else if 'attachEvent' in element element.attachEvent 'on' type method If addEventListener and attachEvent are both.. 'on' type method If addEventListener and attachEvent are both unavailable use inline events. This should never happen...
Inspect attached event handlers for any DOM element using DOM Level 2 Events addEventListener methods and IE's attachEvent cannot currently be retrieved from script at all. DOM Level..
Is javascript guaranteed to be single-threaded? here but the same happens with addEventListener and attachEvent . There's also a bunch of circumstances in which events can..
How can I trigger an onchange event manually? set the event via the html attribute or addEventListener attachEvent you need to do a bit of feature detection to correctly fire..
window.onload vs. body.onload vs. document.onready
Javascript add events cross-browser function implementation: use attachEvent/addEventListener vs inline events add events cross browser function implementation use attachEvent addEventListener vs inline events In order to add events we.. html_element event_name event_function if html_element.attachEvent Internet Explorer html_element.attachEvent on event_name function.. if html_element.attachEvent Internet Explorer html_element.attachEvent on event_name function html_element else..
Best practice for using window.onload a simple implementation of the native addEventListener and attachEvent for IE methods which allows you to remove the listeners for.. W3C DOM elem.addEventListener evnt func false else if elem.attachEvent IE DOM var r elem.attachEvent on evnt func return r else window.alert.. evnt func false else if elem.attachEvent IE DOM var r elem.attachEvent on evnt func return r else window.alert 'I 'm sorry Dave I 'm..
addEventListener vs onclick both approaches. Event Listeners addEventListener and IE's attachEvent Earlier versions of Internet Explorer implement javascript differently.. every other browser. With versions less than 9 you use the attachEvent doc method like this element.attachEvent 'onclick' function.. 9 you use the attachEvent doc method like this element.attachEvent 'onclick' function do stuff here In most other browsers including..
element.onload vs element.addEventListener(“load”,callbak,false) With Internet Explorer versions less than 9 you use the attachEvent function like so element.attachEvent 'onclick' function do stuff.. than 9 you use the attachEvent function like so element.attachEvent 'onclick' function do stuff here Note that it is onclick likewise.. your own function addEvent element evnt funct if element.attachEvent return element.attachEvent 'on' evnt funct else return element.addEventListener..
addEventListener in internet explorer Internet Explorer up to version 8 used an alternate attachEvent method. Internet Explorer 9 supports the proper addEventListener.. W3C DOM elem.addEventListener evnt func false else if elem.attachEvent IE DOM elem.attachEvent on evnt func else No much to do elem.. evnt func false else if elem.attachEvent IE DOM elem.attachEvent on evnt func else No much to do elem evnt func share improve..