

javascript Programming Glossary: associative

Localize Strings in Javascript


improve this question A basic JavaScript object is an associative array so it can easily be used to store key value pairs. So..

Checking if an associative array key exists in Javascript


if an associative array key exists in Javascript How do I check if a particular.. How do I check if a particular key exists in a Javascript associative array If a key doesn't exist and I try to access it will it.. will it return false Or throw an error javascript arrays associative array share improve this question Actually checking for..

Obtain form input fields using jQuery?


it possible to get all the input fields of that form in an associative array javascript jquery share improve this question '#myForm'.. sure if you wanted this but I thought I'd add it. get an associative array of just the values. var values inputs.each function values..

Multiple left-hand assignment with JavaScript


1. Aggh Actually this shows that assignment are right associative. The bad example is equivalent to var var1 window.var2 window.var3..

JavaScript for…in vs for


do you prefer to use and why Let's say we have an array of associative arrays var myArray 'key' 'value' 'key' 'value1' So we can iterate.. i a.length i do stuff with a i An object being used as an associative array is iterated using for var key in o do stuff with o key..

document.getElementById vs jQuery $()


in the object Remember JavaScript objects act similar to associative arrays . var contents '#contents' 0 returns a HTML DOM Object..

JavaScript associative array to JSON


associative array to JSON How can I convert a JavaScript associative array.. associative array to JSON How can I convert a JavaScript associative array into JSON I have tried the following var AssocArray new.. A JSON.stringify AssocArray result javascript json associative array share improve this question Arrays should only have..

jquery get querystring from URL [duplicate]


Read a page's GET URL variables and return them as an associative array. function getUrlVars var vars hash var hashes window.location.href.slice..

Length of Javascript Object (ie. Associative Array)


Object ie. Associative Array If I have a javascript associative array say var myArray new Object myArray firstname Gareth myArray.. get the length of this array EDIT JavaScript does not have associative arrays it only has objects which can be used as a notion of.. it only has objects which can be used as a notion of associative arrays . javascript arrays javascript objects share improve..

(Deep) copying an array using jQuery [duplicate]


to clone a JavaScript object I need to copy an ordered not associative array of objects. I'm using jQuery. I initially tried jquery.extend..

How do I reference a javascript object property with a hyphen in it?


All arrays in js are objects and all objects are just associative arrays this means you can refer to a place in an object just..