javascript Programming Glossary: app.controller
AngularJS - Processing $http response in service promise to the controller return promise return myService app.controller 'MainCtrl' function myService scope Call the async method and.. promise to the controller return promise return myService app.controller 'MainCtrl' function myService scope scope.clearData function..
AngularJS - Complex nesting of partials and templates ng switch Controller for a main page. from the primary nav app.controller 'page1Ctrl' function scope routeParams scope.sub routeParams.sub..
Angular.js: Is .value() the proper way to set app wide constant and how to retrieve it in a controller function return myConst blah use it in a controller app.controller 'someController' ' scope' 'myThing' 'myConst' function scope..
How can AngularJS bind to list of checkbox values? label and the appropriate controller code would be app.controller 'SimpleArrayCtrl' ' scope' function SimpleArrayCtrl scope fruits.. label and the appropriate controller code would be app.controller 'ObjectArrayCtrl' ' scope' 'filterFilter' function ObjectArrayCtrl..
How to handle anchor hash linking in AngularJS you to any element with the id found in location.hash app.controller 'TestCtrl' function scope location anchorScroll scope.scrollTo..
Toggle visibility of a ng-include depending on route routeProvider routeProvider .when ' cars' .when ' bikes' app.controller 'RouteCtrl' function scope route location scope. on ' routeChangeSuccess'..
Initialize AngularJS service with asynchronous data get instantiated before all dependencies are resolved app.controller 'MainCtrl' function scope MyService console.log 'Promise is..
Why google graph not working when loading from inside AngularJS's controller. The browser goes white without any error in console v chart.draw data options Controller app.controller 'ChartController' function scope scope.scoreHistory scope.loadDataFromServer..