javascript Programming Glossary: anti
Javascript collection This is perhaps where the most malicious JavaScript anti patterns are found. We can add a method to our Size class in..
Working example for JavaScriptResult in mvc Avoid if possible JavaScriptResult is considered an anti pattern that MVC introduced complete separation of concerns..
How to edit a JavaScript alert box title?
Using DOMContentReady considered anti-pattern by Google DOMContentReady considered anti pattern by Google A Google Closure library team member asserts..
Javascript DOM ready without an entire framework http mylib.html David is avid anti framework anti bad javascript practice so it should be good.. mylib.html David is avid anti framework anti bad javascript practice so it should be good quality code. ..
What anti-patterns exist for JavaScript? [closed] anti patterns exist for JavaScript closed I find that what not to.. from Java's I'm curious to see what comes out. javascript anti patterns share improve this question Language Namespace..
How to distort an image to create flag waving in the wind effect using html5 canvas flag to wave into and because I don't make any attempt at anti aliasing. I also didn't make any attempt to provide 3D shading..
Best jQuery rounded corners script? [closed] know of a script that is quick to render supports IE6 anti aliases and supports opacity javascript jquery css rounded..
Webkit-based blurry/distorted text post-animation via translate3d which I did and to add a rule for webkit font smoothing antialiased which I also did. Neither change made the slightest difference... you must tell browser to explicitly use the proper anti aliasing so there is a fixed Dmitry's example http styles around or for the blocks where you need to fix the anti aliasing background #FFF Or the actual color of your background..
Cache AJAX requests meaning. Also check if your server do not issue some other anti caching headers like Pragma. If so add Pragma cache header too...
Good non-intrusive anti-spam email obfuscator? non intrusive anti spam email obfuscator I'm trying to come up with a JavaScript..
In JavaScript, what is the advantage of !function(){}() over (function () {})()? [duplicate]
HTML5 Canvas Performance and Optimization Tips, Tricks and Coding Best Practices drawings all browser implementations of canvas employ anti aliasing although this does not seem to be a requirement in..
How to stretch images with no antialiasing to stretch images with no antialiasing So I ran across this recently http question Can you stretch an image in browser without any antialiasing I'm open to any suggestions whether it's using a canvas.. mode nearest neighbor And that'll stop that nasty anti aliasing in all the modern browsers. It'll even work in IE7..
Object Oriented Javascript best practices? [closed] a blog dedicated to explore common JavaScript patterns and anti patterns . Also check out the question Are there any coding..
Frame Buster Buster … buster code needed an iframe iframe src http iframe So you insert anti framing frame busting JavaScript into all your pages break us..