javascript Programming Glossary: app.configure not found require '' .listen app log true app.listen 8000 app.configure function app.use express.static __dirname ' public' app.use..
How do I use Node.js clusters with my simple Express app? express.createServer redis require 'redis' .createClient app.configure function app.set 'view options' layout false app.set 'view engine'.. express.createServer redis require 'redis' .createClient app.configure function app.set 'view options' layout false app.set 'view engine'..
How do I pass content from a template to a layout in Express? var Express require 'express' app Express.createServer app.configure function app.set 'views' Path.join __dirname 'views' app.set..
What is the best facebook connect library for node.js? auth require 'connect auth' var app express.createServer app.configure function app.use express.cookieDecoder app.use express.logger..
Node.js Error: Can't set headers after they are sent auth require 'connect auth' var app express.createServer app.configure function app.use express.bodyParser app.use express.methodOverride..
Listen on HTTP and HTTPS for a single express app something like var register function app config middleware app.configure config routes app.get ... var http express.createServer register..