javascript Programming Glossary: angular.js
AngularJS - Pagination on a list using ng-repeater 2ZzZB 56 That example was on the list of fiddles on the angular.js github wiki which should be helpful https angular.. wiki which should be helpful https angular angular.js wiki JsFiddle Examples EDIT http 2ZzZB 16 to http..
How to do two-way filtering in angular.js? to do two way filtering in angular.js One of the interesting things Angular.js can do is apply a..
How does the $resource `get` function work synchronously in AngularJS? where the magic happens https angular angular.js blob master src ngResource resource.js#L372 This is described..
parsing JSONP $http.jsonp() response in angular.js JSONP http.jsonp response in angular.js I am using angular's http.jsonp request which is successfully..
What is the difference between compile and link function in angularjs
Does it make sense to use Require.js with Angular.js? share improve this question Yes it makes sense to use angular.js along with require.js wherein you can use require.js for modularizing.. I can point you to a seed project which uses both angular.js and require.js . Hope that helps share improve this answer..
Difference between the 'controller' and 'link' functions when defining an angular.js directive the 'controller' and 'link' functions when defining an angular.js directive Some places seem to use the controller function for..
How can I get angular.js checkboxes with select/unselect all functionality and indeterminate values? can I get angular.js checkboxes with select unselect all functionality and indeterminate.. un checked checkboxed jQuery clicked. Here's a bug for angular.js that requests ng indeterminate value implemented. But that still..
AngularJS - Route - How to match star (*) as a path in routes. Check these links https angular angular.js issues 918 https angular angular.js pull 972 share..
Angular.js: Is .value() the proper way to set app wide constant and how to retrieve it in a controller in a controller Hi there I was watching a couple of the angular.js videos and saw that the value method was used to set a kind..
Reset a model with angular.js a model with angular.js I'm simply try to reset values like this scope.initial data1..
Expression evaluated 2 times AppController head script type text javascript src angular.js script script type text javascript src script1.js script head.. there are 2 logs not just one. What did I wrong UPDATED angular.js added console.log to original code var ngBindDirective ngDirective.. AppController head script type text javascript src angular.js script script type text javascript src script1.js script head..
AngularJs - cancel route change event
Angular.js ng-repeat across multiple elements support for this please see https angular angular.js commit e46100f7097d9a8f174bdb9e15d4c6098395c3f2 with this change..
Tell screen reader that page has changed in Backbone/Angular single-page app not be a good thing anyway. My experience has been with angular.js as an accessibility person rather than the developer and our..
Insert HTML into view using AngularJS div instead of div expression div https angular angular.js blob master scroll down search for ng bind html..
Can Angular.js auto-update a view if a persistent model (server database) is changed by an external app? Angular.js auto update a view if a persistent model server database is.. by an external app I'm just starting to familiarize with Angular.js but I would like to build a web app that has a view that gets..
Angular.js Backbone.js or which has better performance Backbone.js or which has better performance I am a web developer.. but I'm not sure what framework to use. I was thinking of Angular.js but I also considered Backbone.js. For you what would be the..
How to do two-way filtering in angular.js? way filtering in angular.js One of the interesting things Angular.js can do is apply a filter to a particular databinding expression.. Is there some easier way to implement this scenario using Angular.js Am I missing some functionality in the documentation javascript..
Angular.js delaying controller initialization delaying controller initialization I would like to delay the..
Does it make sense to use Require.js with Angular.js? it make sense to use Require.js with Angular.js I'm a newbie to Angular.js and trying to understand how it's.. sense to use Require.js with Angular.js I'm a newbie to Angular.js and trying to understand how it's different from Backbone.js..... using Backbone. Does it make sense to do the same with Angular.js javascript requirejs angularjs share improve this question..
Don't the data attribute options used in Bootstrap, Angular.js, and Ember.js conflict with Unobtrusive Javascript principles? the data attribute options used in Bootstrap Angular.js and Ember.js conflict with Unobtrusive Javascript principles.. a number of new and popular frameworks such as Bootstrap Angular.js and Ember.js. Can someone tell me why this isn't considered..
Angular.js: Is .value() the proper way to set app wide constant and how to retrieve it in a controller Is .value the proper way to set app wide constant and how to..
JavaScript SPA-Frameworks (Single Page Application) [closed] But I really like the idea behind this framework. ANGULAR Angular.js is a widely spreaded framework as well maintained by google...
Angular.js: set element height on page load set element height on page load I'm AngularJS newbie. I want..
Authenticate client-side app to REST API using CORS with local strategy for the API Auth server and a front end framework like Angular.js or Backbone.js to make requests. The example should match the..
Where Should Model State Be Stored In Angular.js Should Model State Be Stored In Angular.js I'm finding Angular's use of models confusing. Angular seems..
Angular.js ng-repeat across multiple elements ng repeat across multiple elements This question has been partly.. elements This question has been partly addressed here Angular.js ng repeat across multiple trs However that is just a work around..
$resource relations in Angular.js resource relations in Angular.js Angular's usual way of defining an isolated resource is angular.service..