javascript Programming Glossary: angle1
Can you do an isometric perspective with HTML5 <canvas>? setting part is simpler... for example var cs Math.cos angle1 sn Math.sin angle1 var h Math.cos angle2 var a 100 cs b 100.. simpler... for example var cs Math.cos angle1 sn Math.sin angle1 var h Math.cos angle2 var a 100 cs b 100 sn c 200 var d h 100.. will set up a matrix that has an XY rotation angle of angle1 has a view tilt angle of angle2 maps a length of 1 to 100 pixels..
Random Point on a given Sphere means of testing it properly var u random var v random var angle1 2 Math.PI u var angle2 Math.pow Math.cos 2 v 1 1 X X0 radius.. var angle2 Math.pow Math.cos 2 v 1 1 X X0 radius Math.sin angle1 Math.cos angle2 Y Y0 radius Math.sin angle1 Math.sin angle1.. Math.sin angle1 Math.cos angle2 Y Y0 radius Math.sin angle1 Math.sin angle1 Z Z0 radius Math.cos angle1 I'm especially unsure..