javascript Programming Glossary: alternately
Is there access to the iPhone accelerometer using Javascript? the accelerometer for some of the games I plan on making. Alternately is this also possible with the Android phones javascript iphone..
JavaScript plus sign in front of function name It can also be ~ or just about any other unary operator. Alternately you can use parens this is more common but neither more nor..
document.createElement('script') vs <script src=“”> document describes how async and defer attribute work . Alternately one can use JavaScript to build a script tag var s document.createElement..
Angular HTTP post to PHP and undefined postdata email request email pass request password Alternately if you are heavily relying on _POST functionality you can form..
How to get “raw” href contents in JavaScript link How can I access the raw data in the href attribute Alternately is there a better way to find relative links javascript anchor..
How do I measure the strength of a password? almost impossible to attack this with a rainbow table. Alternately it also means that people can't change their email and you can't..
Example images for code and mark-up Q&As View image. Copy the URL from the browser address bar. Alternately Use the browser 'show source' and copy it from the HTML. For..
JavaScript: Reference a functions local scope as an object else within the local scope like this Alternately does anyone have a complete list of what is in the local scope..
iPad/iPhone browser crashing when loading images in Javascript Safari UIWebView keep a running total and never lets go Alternately is there any workaround to load in data another way that doesn't..
REGEX: Capture Filename from URL without file extention everything after the last slash and until the extension. Alternately you can do this without regular expressions altogether by finding..
Javascript math parser library find out before using this code in anything critical. Alternately you could just re write it without with . share improve this..
Convert string to Pascal Case (aka UpperCamelCase) in Javascript to set the proper case. Example http uvase Alternately this will also work a little less regex and more string manipulation..
Are there JavaScript or Ruby versions of HTML tidy? the title title # head # body p a paragraph p body # html Alternately you can open a connection to usr bin tidy and tell it to do..
Getting a better understanding of callback functions in JavaScript share improve this question You can just say callback Alternately you can use the call method if you want to adjust the value..
Relative Path Problems in Javasvript Ajax call! have to know in advance where you're going to deploy it. Alternately simply don't start the relative path with a var url Shared AskReason.ashx..
Define global variable in a JavaScript function script var yourGlobalVariable function foo ... script Alternately you can assign to a property on window script function foo window.yourGlobalVariable..
Force Download an Image Using Javascript server side scripting for this. Search on stackoverflow . Alternately your server might allow you to alter headers dynamically via..
Jquery: How to check if the element has certain css class/style #someElement has a particular class in my case test . Alternately is there a way to check that en element has a certain style..