javascript Programming Glossary: age
How do JavaScript closures work? y alert x y tmp x.memb x.memb x.memb 1 1 alert x.memb var age new Number 2 var bar foo age bar is now a closure referencing.. x.memb 1 1 alert x.memb var age new Number 2 var bar foo age bar is now a closure referencing age. bar 10 As expected each.. Number 2 var bar foo age bar is now a closure referencing age. bar 10 As expected each call to bar 10 will increment x.memb..
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results? either no Cache Control headers or even Cache Control max age 0 . The only way I've found of preventing this caching from.. Expires headers iOS6 Safari will cache Cache Control max age 0 and an immediate Expires iOS6 Safari will cache Cache Control.. Safari will NOT cache I suspect that Apple is taking advantage of this from the HTTP spec in section 9.5 about POST Responses..
Sound effects in JavaScript / HTML5 game is a port of an old Macintosh game and because of its age the requirements are few in number Play and mix multiple sounds.. HTML5 audio element and define all sound effects in my page. Firefox plays the WAV files just peachy but calling #play multiple..
Resizing an image in an HTML5 canvas an image in an HTML5 canvas I'm trying to create a thumbnail image on.. in an HTML5 canvas I'm trying to create a thumbnail image on the client side using javascript and a canvas element but.. javascript and a canvas element but when I shrink the image down it looks terrible. It looks as if it was downsized in photoshop..
window.onload vs. body.onload vs. document.onready wait until all assets have finished downloading such as images and scripts. DOM ready waits until you can access the DOM via.. access the DOM via the API. As a side note in this day and age you ought to be using window.addEventListener 'load' function..
Calculate age in JavaScript age in JavaScript How can I calculate an age in years given a birth.. age in JavaScript How can I calculate an age in years given a birth date of format YYYYMMDD Is it possible.. 4 2 1 var day Number dob.substr 6 2 var today new Date var age today.getFullYear year if today.getMonth month today.getMonth..
Why would multiple simultaneous AJAX calls to the same ASP.NET MVC action cause the browser to block? requests. Are requests to the same action from the same page serialised I'm aware of serialised access to the Session object.. the ajax request However the browser still takes an age to redirect to the new page. Are ajax requests really asynchronous.. the browser still takes an age to redirect to the new page. Are ajax requests really asynchronous or is this sleight of..
Length of Javascript Object (ie. Associative Array) myArray firstname Gareth myArray lastname Simpson myArray age 21 Is there a built in or accepted best practice way to get..
Check checkbox checked property using jQuery on the checked property using jQuery . For example if the age checkbox is checked then I need to show a textbox to enter age.. checkbox is checked then I need to show a textbox to enter age else hide the textbox. But the following code returns false..
How to block editing on certain part of content in CKEDITOR textarea? strong td td WORLDWIDE Any td tr tr class hide td strong Age strong td td 26 td tr tbody table span Now when I load your.. td td WORLDWIDE Any td tr tr class hide td strong Age strong td td 26 td tr tbody table End Original Content..
JavaScript: How do I create JSONP? Origin http ' header 'Access Control Max Age 3628800' header 'Access Control Allow Methods GET POST PUT DELETE'..
How do I send a cross-domain POST request via JavaScript? GET PUT POST DELETE OPTIONS' header 'Access Control Max Age 1000' header 'Access Control Allow Headers Content Type Authorization..
Javascript closures - variable scope question name email p p Name input type text id name name name p p Age input type text id age name age p and function showHelp help..
Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction? class regula validation data constraints '@IsNumeric label Age message label needs to be a number groups SecondGroup '..
Cross domain POST query using Cross-Origin Resource Sharing getting no data back as well as the OPTIONS . I shall experiment with the Max Age header and see what that allows or does not allow. However I'm.. Headers' X Requested With response 'Access Control Max Age' 1800 else return HttpResponseBadRequest This is based on the..
A CORS POST request works from plain javascript, but why not with jQuery? GET POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS' header 'Access Control Max Age 604800' if you need special headers header 'Access Control Allow..
Age from Date of Birth using JQuery from Date of Birth using JQuery I need to calculate if someone..
Send json data with jquery data with jquery Why code below sent data as City Moscow Age 25 instead of JSON format var arr City 'Moscow' Age 25 .ajax.. Moscow Age 25 instead of JSON format var arr City 'Moscow' Age 25 .ajax url Ajax.ashx type POST data arr dataType 'json' async.. correct way to send a JSON request var arr City 'Moscow' Age 25 .ajax url 'Ajax.ashx' type 'POST' data JSON.stringify arr..
Firefox setting to enable cross domain ajax request Control Allow Headers X PINGOTHER Access Control Max Age 1728000 Note that the X PINGOTHER is the custom header that..
Twitter OAuth authentication in javascript path HttpOnly Proxy support Session based authentication Age 0 Failed to validate oauth signature and token javascript jquery..
Check checkbox checked property using jQuery But the following code returns false by default if '#isAgeSelected' .attr 'checked' #txtAge .show else #txtAge .hide How.. false by default if '#isAgeSelected' .attr 'checked' #txtAge .show else #txtAge .hide How do I successfully query the checked.. if '#isAgeSelected' .attr 'checked' #txtAge .show else #txtAge .hide How do I successfully query the checked property javascript..
javascript REST client url 'http ' type 'PUT' data 'ID 1 Name John Age 10' or '#myform' .serializeArray success function alert 'PUT..