javascript Programming Glossary: affects
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? is doing with .ready docs . All your jQuery code that affects DOM element should be inside that event handler. In fact the..
jQuery: Why use document.ready if external JS at bottom of page? about whether putting scripts at the bottom of the page affects performance loadtimes or not. I am only going to talk about..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content Gajotres LrAyE Note that the refresh method only affects new nodes appended to a list. This is done for performance reasons...
Which browsers support <script async=“async” />? waiting for ga.js to be retrieved. The second part only affects compatible browsers that understand the async attribute FF 3.6..
Disabling browser print options (headers, footers, margins) from page? auto is the current printer page size margin 0mm this affects the margin in the printer settings body background color #FFFFFF..
Can somebody explain this Javascript method? x .reverse window true I've noticed that this behavior affects all the native types. What exactly is happening here javascript..
JavaScript closures and variable scope live reference to i . It gets updated for every loop which affects all the closures created so far as well. When your while loop..
javascript Rich Text Editors readonly . window.document.designMode On Because the above affects all the web page most editors use iFrames so that the editable..
Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome? this.height work for in memory images. To avoid any affects CSS might have on the image's dimensions the code above makes..
What are “top level JSON arrays” and why are they a security risk? Grossman found a very interesting vulnerability that affects gmail . Some people have addressed this vulnerabilty by using..
Does the <script> tag position in HTML affects performance of the webpage? the script tag position in HTML affects performance of the webpage If the script tag is above or below..
Javascript object members that are prototyped as arrays become shared by all class instances in more detail Notice the commented code and how it affects the behavior of the script. html head script type text javascript..
Loading JS script for only iOS devices? window size but that started to get a bit complicated and affects other non IOS devices. It just needs to run something like this.....
Javascript - How to extend Array.prototype.push()? real push method have all arguments. This solution only affects the arr variable arr.push function Do what you want here..... Array.prototype.push.apply this arguments This solution affects all arrays. I do not recommend that you do that. Array.prototype.push..
Javascript by reference vs. by value and when by reference and when modifying a passed item affects the value outside a function and when not. I'm also interested..
Node.js Error: Can't set headers after they are sent key val Express only res.charset 'utf 8' Express only only affects Express specific methods res.contentType type Express only Response..
Are there any rules of thumb for when JavaScript values are copied by reference and not by value? are references since you can modify that object and it affects the caller's object. See also the fantastic answers to this..
Javascript: The prettiest way to compare one value against multiple values Don't try to be too sneaky especially when it needlessly affects performance. If you really have a whole heap of comparisons..
javascript inheritance in class based languages. Since the prototype object affects every instance created of that object this allows the parent..