javascript Programming Glossary: ae
Can I load an entire HTML document into a document fragment in Internet Explorer? 9 ._ var tag a z var any ^ ' ^ ' ^' ' ^ var etag @name ae @description Converts a given string in a sequence of the original.. pre and postfixed by and . RE matches a whole tag function ae string var all_chars_lowercase string.toLowerCase if ents string.. html html.replace new RegExp meta any att http equiv s s ae refresh any etag ' ae refresh ' any etag ae refresh ae any etag..
Javascript : remove accents in strings r.replace new RegExp áâãäå g a r r.replace new RegExp æ g ae r r.replace new RegExp ç g c r r.replace new RegExp èéêë g.. u0105 u2C65 u0250' 'base' 'aa' 'letters' ' uA733' 'base' 'ae' 'letters' ' u00E6 u01FD u01E3' 'base' 'ao' 'letters' ' uA735'..