javascript Programming Glossary: addr
geocoder is returning previously stored value when click on a marker and when i click on marker i want the corresponding address to come in the info window. But when i click on the marker.. when i click on the marker initially the default value of address As per code Geo Address Unavailable is coming and when i.. coming and when i click the second marker it is having the address of the previously clicked marker. I'm attaching the piece..
Web Page Source Annotation Tool li class first univ Carnegie Mellon University univ li li address 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15213 address li ul shows.. univ li li address 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15213 address li ul shows the semantic annotation process I'd like to go.. and have them annotated with user defined tags e.g. univ address . The annotated pages will be used later for processing...
email validation javascript email validation share improve this question E mail address are defined in RFC 5322 § 3.4 . The relevant non terminal.. defined in RFC 5322 § 3.4 . The relevant non terminal is addr spec . The definition turns out to be somewhat squirelly due.. wrong. Yes all those characters are legal in an e mail address. This regex will not match some very uncommon used forms..
How do I return a variable from Google Maps JavaScript geocoder callback? var latlng new google.maps.LatLng 40.730885 73.997383 var addr codeLatLng document.write addr function codeLatLng var latlng.. 40.730885 73.997383 var addr codeLatLng document.write addr function codeLatLng var latlng new google.maps.LatLng 40.730885.. if results 1 return results 1 .formatted_address else alert No results found else alert Geocoder failed due..
Getting MAC address on a web page using a Java applet MAC address on a web page using a Java applet I want to create an application.. applet which contains methods to find the mac address I am using javascript to call the applet methods but the.. 20 40 public String getMacAddr String macAddr InetAddress addr try addr InetAddress.getLocalHost System.out.println addr.getHostAddress..
How can I match multiple occurrences with a regex in JavaScript similar to PHP's preg_match_all()? UTF8 ll 50.116616 8.680573 spn 0.35972 0.833588 z 11 iwloc addr result is an object f q geocode hl de ie UTF8 iwloc addr ll.. addr result is an object f q geocode hl de ie UTF8 iwloc addr ll 50.116616 8.680573 q Frankfurt am Main sll 50.106047 8.679886..
iframe onload event browse .src document.getElementById addr .value function update document.getElementById addr .value document.getElementById.. addr .value function update document.getElementById addr .value document.getElementById browse .src script input type.. browse .src script input type text id addr input type button value Go onclick change iframe id browse style..
Returning JSON from PHP to JavaScript? the pseudo code in the PHP script json foreach result as addr foreach addr as line json . line . n json . n n json . Basically.. code in the PHP script json foreach result as addr foreach addr as line json . line . n json . n n json . Basically I need the..