

javascript Programming Glossary: addclass

Jquery delay execution of script


the following '#navMain .nav1' .hover function this .addClass 'hover' if .browser.msie .browser.version 7 'select' .css 'visibility'.. 'visibility' 'visible' I need to delay the executing of addClass 'hover' after hovering over '#navMain .nav1' element. I've tried.. element. I've tried this but it doesn't work this .delay .addClass 'hover' if .browser.msie .browser.version 7 'select' .delay..

Turning two elements visible/hidden in the same div


it add the style value display none Use toggleClass or addClass removeClass on the element to change visibility. Here is the.. function '#labor' .click function 'div name test1 ' .addClass 'hidden' 'div name test2 ' .removeClass 'hidden' '#odc' .click.. 'div name test1 ' .removeClass 'hidden' 'div name test2 ' .addClass 'hidden' And here is a demonstration I tried to use most of..

iframe shimming or ie6 (and below) select z-index bug


Efficient AutoSuggest with jQuery?


suggestions' .fadeOut else Show the AJAX Spinner qinput.addClass 'loading' .ajax url ' search spotlight ' data q this .val success.. box Hide the AJAX Spinner qinput.removeClass 'loading' .addClass 'search' CSS .loading background url ' images ajax loader.gif'.. I removed your background image css and replaced them with addClass removeClass. Much easier to manage css stuff in css files. ..

dynamically add/remove style in javascript


to remove '#div1' .removeClass 'name2' to add '#div1' .addClass 'name2' If you can't use jQuery I found this url http snipplr.com.. ele.className.match new RegExp ' s ^ ' cls ' s ' function addClass ele cls if this.hasClass ele cls ele.className cls function..

Clear icon inside input text


in jQ border radius 3px transition background 0.4s jQ addClass if input has value .clearable.x background position right 5px.. value .clearable.x background position right 5px center jQ addClass if mouse is over the 'x' input area .clearable.onX cursor pointer.. .clearable.onX cursor pointer JS function tog v return v 'addClass' 'removeClass' document .on 'input' '.clearable' function this..

animating addClass/removeClass with jquery


addClass removeClass with jquery I am using jQuery and jQuery ui and.. from my style sheet. see example 1 An alternative is using addClass and removeClass but I have not been able to re create the exact.. me. Example 2 Here is my current best attempt using addClass and removeClass note that for the animation to work you need..