javascript Programming Glossary: active
Is there a way to detect if a browser window is not currently active? there a way to detect if a browser window is not currently active I have JavaScript that is doing activity periodically. When.. GMail Chat plays a sound if the window you're using isn't active. javascript browser focus window share improve this question..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events to #second ' e.preventDefault e.stopPropagation remove active status on a button if transition was triggered with a button.. a button if transition was triggered with a button .mobile.activePage.find '.ui btn active' .removeClass 'ui btn active ui focus.. triggered with a button .mobile.activePage.find '.ui btn active' .removeClass 'ui btn active ui focus ui btn' This example..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content below enhancement methods are to be used only on current active page. For dynamically inserted pages those pages and their contents.. any method on dynamically created pages other than the active page will result an error. Every jQuery Mobile widget can be.. event. function getRealContentHeight var header .mobile.activePage.find div data role 'header' visible var footer .mobile.activePage.find..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? menu defined as a ul like so ul class main menu li class active a href # home Home a li li a href # menu1 Menu 1 a ul li a href.. We can declare what we want in our view a href hello when active Hello a Okay now we can write a test it 'should add active when.. active Hello a Okay now we can write a test it 'should add active when the route changes' inject function var elm compile ' a..
How to tell if browser/tab is active [duplicate] to tell if browser tab is active duplicate Possible Duplicate Is there a way to detect if a.. there a way to detect if a browser window is not currently active I have a function that is called every second that I only want..
How to close current tab in a browser window? to create a link on a webpage that would close current active tab in a browser without closing other tabs in the browser...
Unzip files using JavaScript 'destroy' '#report' .accordion collapsible true active false for each entry in the zip extract it. for var i 0 i zip.entries.length..
Is javascript guaranteed to be single-threaded? more like scroll that can fire when the user doesn't have active interaction with the browser because script is threaded. And..
Is Chrome's JavaScript console lazy about evaluating arrays? refreshed. Calling console.log when the console is not yet active only results in a reference to the object being queued not the..
How to decide when to use NodeJS? would create immense load on the server because each active client eats up one server process. This situation amounts to..
Max parallel http connections in a browser? Even if that is true is there any limit to the number of active connections per browser across all domains Say I use the scheme..
Storing Image Data for offline web application (client-side storage database) In short IE uses the same database format as Exchange and Active Directory for IndexedDB Firefox is using SQLite so are kind..
show dynamically added navlinks when added in bootstrap navbar 'li.test' .each function if this .hasClass 'active' Active class is applied this .children .children .closest img .attr..
Javascript Load Order Load Order Hey I am working with both amq.js ActiveMQ and Google Maps . I load my scripts in this order head meta.. src http jsapi key abcdefg script Active MQ script type text javascript src amq amq.js script script..
Javascript to take a screenshot of a website without using ActiveX to take a screenshot of a website without using ActiveX I have a JS app that an user interacts with. I need to save.. Thanks. Also as the comment below says I cannot use Active X. javascript screenshot share improve this question Just..
How can Print Preview be called from Javascript? it would be a security risk. That's why your example uses Active X which bypasses the JavaScript security issues. So instead..
Java Servlet : How to detect browser closing? is still a problem my program has something like this Active User List User_1 Machine_1 IP_1 address User_2 Machine_2 IP_2..
Full callstack for multiple frames JS on IE8 the function was called in this case Solution based on Active Scripts Technology gives an object of type ScriptEngine IHTMLDocument.. IDispatch p But casting object script to the interface IActiveScript fails. Can I get out of IE8 the link to be used for a..
is it possible to read a file using javascript? WScript.Shell and when granted Prompt or Enable access to ActiveX the browser has elevated privileges Enable through Tools Internet.. Tools Internet Options Security Custom Level ... Set Active X settings to prompt . If this is still to difficult user could..
ActiveX - Automation Server Can't Create Object Automation Server Can't Create Object I have a web page from.. is larger than the query string allows I need to rely on Active X. I want to send this email through Outlook. In an attempt.. Action Required var body GenerateEmailBody var outlook new ActiveXObject 'Outlook.Application' var outlookNamespace outlook.GetNameSpace..
What options are available for client-side JavaScript ORM? [closed] ORM closed There are multiple JavaScript ORMs available Active Data.js http documentation Data querying.. Does not appear to be active in 2 years Active.js http Does not appear to be active in 3 years..
jquery pagination + twitter bootstrap following Disable prev button when on first page Change Active li when page is changed Disable next button when on last page..