javascript Programming Glossary: accross
Twitter Bootstrap button click to toggle expand/collapse text section above button collapse text section above button I have recently come accross bootstrap and I am working on extending the hero example. I..
how to check the script element load event accross browser without jquery to check the script element load event accross browser without jquery I have to do the cross domain ajax so..
Cross-domain JSON request? domain JSON request Question I'm trying to use JSON accross domains but all i find is JSON parsers which I don't need.....
How to disable Cufon on certain elements? disable Cufon on certain elements I currently use Cufon accross our site with something similar to Cufon.set 'fontFamily' 'DIN..
Why is JavaScript inconsistent across browsers? compatible mostly IE Why isn't Javascript consistent accross browsers I mean why can't JS be nice like Java and Flash Instead..
Please explain the use of JavaScript closures in loops [duplicate] will now generate a hello alert The variable i is shared accross ten functions PLUS the current function scope context. Think..
getting last page URL from history object - cross browser? to get last page URL from the history object I've come accross history.previous but that's either undefined or protected from..
How to load up CSS files using Javascript? Here's the oldschool way of doing it which hopefully works accross all browsers. In theory you would use setAttribute unfortunately..
Eval is evil… So what should I use instead? for ways to use JSON in AJAX without eval and have ran accross a bunch of different methods... Which one should I use Is there..
What is the purpose of this JavaScript hack? of this JavaScript hack This code has been popping up accross a website I've been maintaining any clue on what's happening..