java Programming Glossary: typesafe
Understanding Enums in Java to a function expecting a suit. You can't do that with a typesafe enum. You can use a class for Suit to provide type safety and.. is a must read for Java programmers imho promoted the typesafe enum pattern that became the Java 5 enum. It has a fair amount.. getColour return colour Edit Sun has an introduction to typesafe enums . As for interfaces they really complement enums rather..
Difference between a deprecated and a legacy API? legacy code that does not use generics. Item 29 Consider typesafe heterogeneous containers These wrappers are useful for tracking..
Performance impact of autoboxing method that can return the length of ANY array. It's not typesafe like most reflection mechanism are passing a non array compiles..
Multiple wildcards on a generic methods makes Java compiler (and me!) very confused accept Should lol.add list compile at all Is it typesafe Is this a compiler bug or am I misunderstanding the capture.. question aren't illegal. They are all perfectly legal and typesafe. There is absolutely no bug in the compiler. It is doing exactly..
Complex queries with JPA criteria builder result em.createQuery cq .getResultList Or with metamodel typesafe but a bit wordy Map SingularAttribute Transaction Object params..
JPA Criteria Tutorial jpa 2.0 share improve this question The Dynamic typesafe queries in JPA 2.0 article is a very good one on this topic..
Java map with values limited by key's type parameter question You're not trying to implement Joshua Bloch's typesafe hetereogeneous container pattern are you Basically public class..
Enumerations in Hibernate 2 objects to represent this relationship in a semi typesafe way class User String username String passwd UserType type class..
Heterogeneous container to store genericly typed objects in Java objects in Java I am trying to follow Joshua Bloch's typesafe hetereogeneous container pattern from Effective Java to create..
Difference between List, List<?>, List<T>, List<E>, and List<Object> I do understand that 1. List is a raw type therefore not typesafe . It will only generate a runtime error when the casting is..
Generics cast issue to List A . If it was it would make the following not typesafe code possible List Class B bs new ArrayList B List Class extends..