java Programming Glossary: type
Why JSF calls getters multiple times event Or in some SystemEvent method e.g. f event type preRenderView . someProperty loadSomeProperty public void change..
How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? Servlet I tried this form action upload method post input type text name description input type file name file input type submit.. upload method post input type text name description input type file name file input type submit form However I only get the.. type text name description input type file name file input type submit form However I only get the file name not the file content...
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? to POST. The standard HTTP POST as web forms do is of type application x www form urlencoded wherein the query string is.. don't forget to take the name value pairs of any input type hidden elements into the query string and of course also the.. string and of course also the name value pair of the input type submit element which you'd like to press programmatically because..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? things. E.g. redisplaying submitted input values input type text name foo value The displays the outcome.. http jsp jstl functions prefix fn ... input type text name foo value fn escapeXml Note that the XSS..
How to use Servlets and Ajax? which simplifies this in single functions like jQuery Prototype Mootools . Since jQuery is the most popular here's a basic kickoff.. some text response.setContentType text plain Set content type of the response so that jQuery knows what it can expect. response.setCharacterEncoding..
What is an efficient way to implement a singleton pattern in Java? has yet to be widely adopted a single element enum type is the best way to implement a singleton . share improve this..
How to upload a file using Java HttpClient library working with PHP - strange problem stream httppost.setEntity reqEntity reqEntity.setContentType binary octet stream System.out.println executing request httppost.getRequestLine.. is POST upload.php HTTP 1.1 Content Length 13091 Content Type binary octet stream Host localhost 9002 Connection Keep Alive.. Keep Alive timeout 5 max 100 Connection Keep Alive Content Type text html Possible file upload attack filename ''.Array I was..
Type List vs type ArrayList in Java List vs type ArrayList in Java 1 List myList new ArrayList..
What is null in Java? No there is no type which null is an instanceof . 15.20.2 Type Comparison Operator instanceof RelationalExpression RelationalExpression.. RelationalExpression instanceof ReferenceType At run time the result of the instanceof operator is true if.. not null and the reference could be cast to the ReferenceType without raising a ClassCastException . Otherwise the result..
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? Charset charset connection.setRequestProperty Content Type application x www form urlencoded charset charset OutputStream.. header.getValue 3 HTTP response encoding When the Content Type contains a charset parameter then the response body is likely.. side specified character encoding then. String contentType connection.getHeaderField Content Type String charset null for..
Is it possible to use JSF+Facelets with HTML 4/5? you should as per the specification be using a Content Type of application xhtml xml which would only make MSIE to choke..
Java generics - type erasure - when and what happens java generics type erasure share improve this question Type erasure applies to the use of generics. There's definitely metadata..
Running Jar file in Windows from the Tools select 'Folder Options...' Click the File Types tab scroll down and select JAR File type. Press the Advanced.. JAR File type. Press the Advanced button. In the Edit File Type dialog box select open in Actions box and click Edit... Press..
Java - sending HTTP parameters via POST method easily GET connection.setRequestProperty Content Type text plain connection.setRequestProperty charset utf 8 connection.connect.. POST connection.setRequestProperty Content Type application x www form urlencoded connection.setRequestProperty..
How do you find all subclasses of a given class in Java? or interface In Eclipse there is a nice feature called the Type Hierarchy that manages to show this quite efficiently. How does.. data loaded at the point where you press the Display in Type Hierarchy button since it is constantly compiling your classes..
Getting A File's Mime Type In Java A File's Mime Type In Java I was just wondering how most people fetch a mime type..
Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame class ComponentImageCapture static final String HELP Type Ctrl 0 to get a screenshot of the current GUI. n The screenshot..
Create instance of generic type in Java? createContents return what EDIT It turns out that Super Type Tokens could be used to resolve my issue but it requires a lot..
@Inject to pass params to a CDI @Named bean via URL gives Jboss error on Netbeans @Retention RUNTIME @Target METHOD FIELD PARAMETER TYPE public @interface HttpParam public String value default java.. annotation @Qualifier @Retention RUNTIME @Target TYPE METHOD FIELD PARAMETER public @interface HttpParam public String..
java - passing array in oracle stored procedure name pattern MY_PKG.VARCHAR2_ARR VARCHAR2_ARR is a public TYPE defined inside an Oracle Package like the following TYPE VARCHAR2_ARR.. TYPE defined inside an Oracle Package like the following TYPE VARCHAR2_ARR IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2 50 And used as such in my.. question. Here are a couple suggestions create a SQL TYPE that you can bind from java insert into a temporary table from..
Overriding the java equals() method quirk works fine. I read that you can either have equals TYPE var or equals Object o CAST var but assumed that since it was..
Servlets: doGet and doPost method post enctype multipart form data User Name INPUT TYPE TEXT NAME realname Password INPUT TYPE PASSWORD NAME mypassword.. User Name INPUT TYPE TEXT NAME realname Password INPUT TYPE PASSWORD NAME mypassword INPUT TYPE SUBMIT VALUE Identification.. Password INPUT TYPE PASSWORD NAME mypassword INPUT TYPE SUBMIT VALUE Identification form When I use method get in the..
How to store Java Date to Mysql datetime…? VARCHAR 15 contactUsTime datetime primary key id TYPE InnoDB java mysql datetime jpa share improve this question..
What is the equivalent of Oracle?™s REF CURSOR in MySQL when using JDBC? using JDBC In Oracle I can declare a reference cursor... TYPE t_spool IS REF CURSOR RETURN spool ROWTYPE ...and use it to.. cursor... TYPE t_spool IS REF CURSOR RETURN spool ROWTYPE ...and use it to pass a cursor as the return value... FUNCTION.. TEST CallableStatement cs con.prepareCall query ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY ResultSet rs cs.executeQuery..
How to call oracle stored procedure which include user-defined type in java? . First is a setup similar to yours SQL CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE IDS AS OBJECT id1 NUMBER id2 NUMBER id3 NUMBER 2 Type created.. id2 NUMBER id3 NUMBER 2 Type created SQL CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE IDS_TABLE AS TABLE OF IDS 2 Type created SQL CREATE OR REPLACE..
uploading of pdf file of file type to browse and submit the file BODY FORM ENCTYPE multipart form data ACTION uploadfile.html METHOD POST br br.. tr td b Choose the file To Upload b td td INPUT NAME F1 TYPE file td tr tr td colspan 2 p align right INPUT TYPE submit.. F1 TYPE file td tr tr td colspan 2 p align right INPUT TYPE submit VALUE Send File p td tr table center FORM BODY HTML..
How to use the GWT EventBus public static Type AuthenticationEventHandler TYPE new Type AuthenticationEventHandler @Override public Type AuthenticationEventHandler.. Type AuthenticationEventHandler getAssociatedType return TYPE @Override protected void dispatch AuthenticationEventHandler.. this AppUtils.EVENT_BUS.addHandler AuthenticationEvent.TYPE new AuthenticationEventHandler @Override public void onAuthenticationChanged..
What is the best way to implement constants in Java? probably even the standard. public private static final TYPE NAME VALUE where TYPE is the type NAME is the name in all caps.. public private static final TYPE NAME VALUE where TYPE is the type NAME is the name in all caps with underscores for..
Difficulty in sending location of user 1 to user 2 and user 2's location to user 1? final String STATUS status public static final String TYPE type public static final String BODY body public static final.. final String SEEN seen public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX 1 public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT 2 public static.. int MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX 1 public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT 2 public static final int MESSAGE_IS_NOT_READ 0 public..