

java Programming Glossary: timestamp

java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date


three forms of datetime fields which are date time and timestamp. Each of these have a corresponding class in JDBC and each of..

jaxb unmarshal timestamp


unmarshal timestamp I cannot get JAXB to unmarshal a timestamp in a Resteasy JAX.. unmarshal timestamp I cannot get JAXB to unmarshal a timestamp in a Resteasy JAX RS server application. My class looks like.. final class Foo Other fields omitted @XmlElement name timestamp required true protected Date timestamp public Foo public Date..

Handling MySQL datetimes and timestamps in Java


MySQL datetimes and timestamps in Java In a java application what would a good compromise.. with a MySQL database using a mix of datetimes and timestamps java mysql date jdbc timestamp share improve this question.. a mix of datetimes and timestamps java mysql date jdbc timestamp share improve this question In Java side the date is usually..

Is System.nanoTime() completely useless?


power management timer PMTimer rather than the processor timestamp counter TSC due to problems with the TSC not being synchronized..

How to format a java.sql Timestamp for displaying?


to format a java.sql Timestamp for displaying How do I formate a java.sql Timestamp to my.. Timestamp for displaying How do I formate a java.sql Timestamp to my liking to a string for display purposes java datetime.. formatting share improve this question java.sql.Timestamp extends java.util.Date . Did you want something like String..

How to handle calendar TimeZones using Java?


to handle calendar TimeZones using Java I have a Timestamp value that comes from my application. The user can be in any.. always off unless the user is in GMT. What am I missing Timestamp issuedDate Timestamp getACPValue inputs_ issuedDate Calendar.. the user is in GMT. What am I missing Timestamp issuedDate Timestamp getACPValue inputs_ issuedDate Calendar issueDate convertTimestampToJavaCalendar..

PreparedStatement and setTimestamp in oracle jdbc


and setTimestamp in oracle jdbc I am using PreparedStatement with Timestamp.. in oracle jdbc I am using PreparedStatement with Timestamp in where clause PreparedStatement s c.prepareStatement select.. from t where utctimestamp and utctimestamp s.setTimestamp 1 new Timestamp 1273017600000L 2010 05 05 00 00 GMT s.setTimestamp..

Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement


2 person.getEmail preparedStatement.setTimestamp 3 new Timestamp person.getBirthdate .getTime preparedStatement.setBinaryStream.. 2 person.getEmail preparedStatement.setTimestamp 3 new Timestamp person.getBirthdate .getTime preparedStatement.setBinaryStream.. non standard Java objects in a SQL string e.g. Date Time Timestamp BigDecimal InputStream Blob and Reader Clob . On most of those..

Handling MySQL datetimes and timestamps in Java


in JDBC as java.sql.Date java.sql.Time and java.sql.Timestamp all subclasses of java.util.Date . The precision is DB dependent.. about the time part hours minutes seconds and the Timestamp contains information about the both parts like as java.util.Date.. in the DB thus java.util.Date in Java side and java.sql.Timestamp in JDBC side is to use PreparedStatement#setTimestamp . java.util.Date..

Java: Date from unix timestamp


like this java.util.Date time new java.util.Date timeStamp Timestamp value is 1280512800 and time must be 2010 07 30 22 30 00 as..

Before writing a Java Date to an SQL TIMESTAMP column, does JDBC translate the date from the JVM time zone to the database session time zone?


2000 01 01 00 00 00 by passing it to PreparedStatement#setTimestamp int Timestamp according to the JDBC standard will the database.. 00 00 by passing it to PreparedStatement#setTimestamp int Timestamp according to the JDBC standard will the database store TIMESTAMP..

How do I write a custom JSON deserializer for Gson?


a Java class User public class User int id String name Timestamp updateDate And I receive a JSON list containing user objects.. .getAsInt json.getAsString json.getAsInt Timestamp context.deserialize json.getAsJsonPrimitive Timestamp.class.. Timestamp context.deserialize json.getAsJsonPrimitive Timestamp.class But my deserializer doesn't work. How can I write a custom..

Convert Date/Time for given Timezone - java


and add that to your timestamp. Note that an SQL Timestamp may vary from a Java timestamp as the way the elapse from the.. consistently in java without worrying about converting SQL Timestamps to java Date objects etc. To calculate your offset you can..

Java slideshow image delay using paintComponent


image at a time private int h 0 private int c 0 Used by timeStamp for documenting time per slide private long time0 0 private.. Classes Prints out time spent on each slide public void timeStamp time1 System.currentTimeMillis if time0 0 System.out.println.. MouseEvent e if h handCuffs.length c cups.length timeStamp System.exit 0 else if h handCuffs.length timeStamp screenImage..

How to transmit live video from within a Java application?


currentScreenshot IPixelFormat.Type.YUV420P long timeStamp now firstTimeStamp 1000 IVideoPicture outFrame converter.toPicture.. outFrame converter.toPicture currentScreenshot timeStamp if i 0 make first frame keyframe outFrame.setKeyFrame true.. writing packet of size packet.getSize for elapsed time timeStamp lastTimeStamp 1000 lastTimeStamp timeStamp System.out.println..

Java: Date from unix timestamp


I did it like this java.util.Date time new java.util.Date timeStamp Timestamp value is 1280512800 and time must be 2010 07 30 22.. milliseconds java.util.Date time new java.util.Date long timeStamp 1000 From the documentation Allocates a Date object and initializes..

Convert long to byte array and add it to another array


very inefficient. long time System.currentTimeMillis Long timeStamp new Long time byte bArray new byte 128 What I want is something.. new byte 128 What I want is something like byte 0 63 timeStamp.byteValue Is something like this possible . What is the best..

Embedding images into html email with java mail


generateActivationLinkTemplate text html Date timeStamp new Date message.setSentDate timeStamp Prepare a multipart HTML.. text html Date timeStamp new Date message.setSentDate timeStamp Prepare a multipart HTML Multipart multipart new MimeMultipart..

Java getting input from MIDI keyboard


this.name name public void send MidiMessage msg long timeStamp System.out.println midi received public void close NOTE I.. name this.name name public void send MidiMessage msg long timeStamp System.out.println midi received public void close On my hardware..

Is java.sql.Timestamp timezone specific?


The driver uses the Calendar object to construct an SQL TIMESTAMP value which the driver then sends to the database. With a Calendar.. with the same timezone when retrieving values if you use a TIMESTAMP without timezone information in your database . So assuming..

java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date


and milliseconds . java.sql.Timestamp corresponds to SQL TIMESTAMP which is exact date to the nanosecond note that util.Date only..

PreparedStatement and setTimestamp in oracle jdbc


database column type is DATE but I also checked it with TIMESTAMP column type with the same results. Is there a way to achieve..

ojdbc14.jar vs. ojdbc6.jar


find some explanation in What is going on with DATE and TIMESTAMP In short they changed the behavior in 9.2 drivers and then again..

Handling MySQL datetimes and timestamps in Java


are several standard date and time types DATE TIME and TIMESTAMP at some DB's also called DATETIME which are represented in JDBC..

Before writing a Java Date to an SQL TIMESTAMP column, does JDBC translate the date from the JVM time zone to the database session time zone?


writing a Java Date to an SQL TIMESTAMP column does JDBC translate the date from the JVM time zone to.. session time zone Before writing a Java Date to an SQL TIMESTAMP column does JDBC translate the date from the Java virtual machine.. according to the JDBC standard will the database store TIMESTAMP '2000 01 01 00 00 00' or TIMESTAMP '1999 12 31 19 00 00' java..

handling DATETIME values 0000-00-00 00:00:00 in JDBC


doc refman 5.0 en datetime.html Illegal DATETIME DATE or TIMESTAMP values are converted to the œzero value of the appropriate type.. convert value '0000 00 00 00 00 00' from column 5 to TIMESTAMP. SQLState S1009 VendorError 0 java.sql.SQLException Cannot convert.. convert value '0000 00 00 00 00 00' from column 5 to TIMESTAMP. at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException SQLError.java..

XML data to PostgreSql database


2 midgengi Decimal 15 2 solugengi Decimal 15 2 dagsetning TimeStamp So any mynt tag would be a record in the table and the corresponding..

Convert Date/Time for given Timezone - java


UTC Is possible to Set the time on an object Calendar Date TimeStamp Possibly Set the TimeZone of the initial time stamp calendar.setTimeZone..

Barcode Scanner implementation on Java


private static Enumeration portList private static String TimeStamp private static String driverClass private static String connectionString.. Thread myThread public ScanHandler open serial port try TimeStamp new java.util.Date .toString mySerialPort SerialPort myCommPortIdentifier.open.. ComControl 2000 System.out.println TimeStamp myCommPortIdentifier.getName opened for scanner input catch..