

java Programming Glossary: signed

Appearance of Java Security dialog


dialog The Java Security dialog is shown when loading a signed applet. What does the Java Security dialog look like java security..

When comparing two Integers in Java does auto-unboxing occur?


. If the promoted type of the operands is int or long then signed integer comparison is performed if this promoted type is float..

How to handle invalid SSL certificates with Apache HttpClient?


share improve this question https mms.nw.ru uses a self signed certificate which obviously isn't contained in the default set..

telling java to accept self-signed ssl certificate


java to accept self signed ssl certificate It looks like a standard question but I couldn't.. have java code trying to connect server with probably self signed or expired certificate. It gives something like this HttpMethodDirector.. You have basically two options here add the self signed certificate to your JVM truststore or configure your client..

Fastest way to determine if an integer's square root is an integer


I want this function to work with all positive 64 bit signed integers and it was still slower than Math.sqrt . Binary chop.. code follows including the precomputed tables. typedef signed long long int int64 int start 1024 1 3 1769 5 1937 1741 7 1451..

Sessions in struts2 application


Integer session.get userId sb if the user is already signed in then let the request through. if userId null return invocation.invoke..

Playing MP3 using Java Sound API


implementation of the javax.sound.sampled.Clip that is designed to handle Clips of arbitrary size limited only by the amount.. getLargestSampleSize int largest 0 int current boolean signed format.getEncoding AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED int bitDepth.. int samples audioData.length 8 bitDepth if signed if bitDepth 8 2 if bigEndian for int cc 0 cc samples cc ..

How are SSL certificate server names resolved/Can I add alternative names using keytool?


for every server there could be many so I want to use self signed certificates I have been using keytool to generate them . After..

How do I accept a self-signed certificate with a Java HttpsURLConnection?


do I accept a self signed certificate with a Java HttpsURLConnection A module I'm adding.. secured website. The problem is that the site uses a self signed certificate. I have a copy of the certificate to verify that.. Without any additional handling in place for the self signed certificate this dies at conn.getOutputStream with the following..

Why do floating points have signed zeros?


Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic See Signed Zero section PDF Much Ado About Nothing's Sign Bit an interesting..

Finding Signed Angle Between Vectors


Signed Angle Between Vectors How would you find the signed angle theta..

Bitwise shift operators. Signed and unsigned


shift operators. Signed and unsigned I'm practising for the SCJP exam using cram notes..

Can a Java Applet use the printer?


this question To print you will either need to use Signed Applets or if an unsigned applet tries to print the user will..

Primitive type 'short' - casting in Java


how integer arithmetic is to be computed. Java Integers Signed Unsigned long 64 bit int 32 bit short 16 bit char 16 bit byte..

Java applet: run native code from browser?


this question Yes but the applet has to be signed. Signed applets will prompt the user to give them permission. Once given..

How does Java convert int into byte?


1 int unsignedByte signedByte 0xff System.out.println Signed signedByte Unsigned unsignedByte Would print out Signed 1 Unsigned.. Signed signedByte Unsigned unsignedByte Would print out Signed 1 Unsigned 255 Whats actually happening here We are using bitwise..

How do I sign a Java applet for use in a browser?


keytool export alias myKeyName file myCertName.crt Signed it wtih jarsigner like this jarsigner C my path myJar.jar myKeyName..

SSL Handshaking Using Self-Signed Certs and SSLEngine (JSSE)


Handshaking Using Self Signed Certs and SSLEngine JSSE I have been tasked to implement a..