java Programming Glossary: sayhello
How to call a java method from jsp by clicking a menu in html page? callMe .ajax type POST url someServlet data methodToInvoke sayHello data Abc .done function msg alert Data Saved msg at Servlet..
In-process SOAP service server for Java message new String Hello public void Hello public String sayHello String name return message name . helloservice endpoint
how to retransform a class at runtime 72 ... 31 more OUTPUTS TARGET PROGRAM print Call sayHello print Hello World Supported Redefine Supported Retransform Call.. classreader new classwriter construct ModifyClassAdapter sayHello consturct Modifymethod arg1 java io PrintStream arg2 println.. arg2 sleep #22 arg1 java io PrintStream arg2 println #30 sayHello2 consturct Modifymethod arg1 java io PrintStream arg2 println..
Spring MVC Mapping problem app index method RequestMethod.GET public ModelAndView sayHello HttpServletRequest request HttpServletResponse response throws.. app in both @RequestMapping and url pattern . That is your sayHello now is mapped to app app index . You can write @RequestMapping..
Including jars in classpath on commandline (javac or apt) @param name @return Say hello to the person. public String sayHello String name return Hello name Compile errors
How to compile dynamic library for a JNI application on linux? what I did. class Hello public native void sayHello static System.loadLibrary hellolib public static void main String.. public static void main String args Hello h new Hello h.sayHello Then I ran the follwing commands dierre@cox ~ Scrivania provajni.. #ifdef __cplusplus extern C #endif Class Hello Method sayHello Signature V JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Hello_sayHello JNIEnv..
How to emit and execute Java bytecode at runtime? implements Opcodes public static interface Plugin void sayHello String name public static byte compile ClassWriter cw new ClassWriter.. 1 1 mv.visitEnd mv cw.visitMethod ACC_PUBLIC sayHello Ljava lang String V null null mv.visitCode Label l0 new Label.. Plugin plugin Plugin helloWorldClass.newInstance plugin.sayHello Test Have fun. PS I can add comments to the code if not clear..
Create a custom event in Java HelloListener toAdd listeners.add toAdd public void sayHello System.out.println Hello Notify everybody that may be interested...