java Programming Glossary: rfc
How should I validate an e-mail address on Android? correctly validates most e mails addresses that conform to RFC 2822 and will still fail on things like
Byte order mark screws up file reading in Java as defined by a href http rfcs rfc3629.html RFC 3629 UTF 8 a transformation format of ISO 10646 a p The a href..
Is a colon safe for friendly-URL use? the fragment part user 45 comments are perfectly legal for RFC 3986 URIs. The relevant parts of the ABNF fragment pchar pchar..
Converting ISO8601-compliant String to java.util.Date strings like GMT 01 00 or 0100 the latter according to RFC # 822 . Reformatting your input string using regexp is certainly..
How to generate an HMAC in Java equivalent to a Python example? a key for the HMAC MD5 keyed hashing algorithm see RFC 2104 In practice you would save this key. KeyGenerator keyGen..
Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability error For more detail about response status codes see RFC 2616 section 10 . Calling connect is by the way not needed if..
Java string to date conversion time zone Pacific Standard Time PST GMT 08 00 Z Time zone RFC 822 time zone 0800 X Time zone ISO 8601 time zone 08 0800 08..
How do I encode URI parameter values? it to an existing URI I need to encode it according to RFC 2396. For example given the input http resource key.. is meant for HTML form encoding which is not the same as RFC 2396. URI has no mechanism for encoding a single value at a.. URI components using application x www form urlencoded and RFC 3986 as needed. According to the Javadoc Builder methods perform..
Why does Java's SSLSocket send a version 2 client hello? be sent when the client does support SSL version 2.0. From RFC 2246 TLS 1.0 clients that support SSL Version 2.0 servers must..
GSON deserializing key-value to custom object Neither z nor Z will match 07 00 which is a weird mix of RFC 822 time zone format 0700 or a general time zone Mountain Standard..
How can I use Drag-and-Drop in Swing to get file path? .trim if token.startsWith # token.isEmpty comment line by RFC 2483 continue try File file new File new URI token store this..
How are SSL certificate server names resolved/Can I add alternative names using keytool? How host name verification should be done is defined in RFC 6125 which is quite recent and generalises the practice to all.. and generalises the practice to all protocols and replaces RFC 2818 which was specific to HTTPS. I'm not even sure Java 7 uses.. which was specific to HTTPS. I'm not even sure Java 7 uses RFC 6125 which might be too recent for this. From RFC 2818 Section..