java Programming Glossary: reachable
Have you ever used Phantom reference in any project? and should therefore be avoided. Mainly making objects reachable again. This could be avoided with the finalizer guardian idiom..
Garbage Collection in Java and Circular References Java's GC considers objects garbage if they aren't reachable through a chain starting at a garbage collection root so these.. if they're cut off from the root. See the section on unreachable objects in Appendix A The Truth About Garbage Collection in..
Java Thread Garbage collected or not the garbage collector determines whether your object is ' reachable ' or not it is always doing so using the set of garbage collector..
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure link failure then it means that the DB isn't reachable at all. This can have one or more of the following causes IP..
What is the difference between a soft reference and a weak reference in Java? object to which it refers. An object which is only weakly reachable the strongest references to it are WeakReferences will be discarded.. garbage collection cycle but an object which is softly reachable will generally stick around for a while. SoftReferences aren't.. any differently than WeakReferences but in practice softly reachable objects are generally retained as long as memory is in plentiful..
Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability way is using . Socket socket null boolean reachable false try socket new Socket hostnameOrIP 80 reachable true finally.. reachable false try socket new Socket hostnameOrIP 80 reachable true finally if socket null try socket.close catch IOException.. e There's also the InetAddress#isReachable boolean reachable InetAddress.getByName hostname .isReachable This however doesn't..
Does assigning objects to null in Java impact garbage collection? should be cleaned up very shortly after it is no longer reachable. This is just after leaving a method for local variables and..
Difference between Mojarra and MyFaces [closed] I tried to dowload them also but seems the site is not reachable. So I used Apache MyFaces but to run the example I had to add..
java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table the java.rmi.Remote interface so that it remains reachable i.e. ineligible for garbage collection. Below is a script that..
Does setting Java objects to null do anything anymore? If you have an object chain A B C then once A is not reachable A B and C will all be eligible for garbage collection assuming..
How to get Ip address of our own system using java IP address. And to top that not all IP addresses will be reachable from off the machine. Some could be virtual devices and others..
Why does InetAddress.isReachable return false, when I can ping the IP address? ping c 1 int returnVal p1.waitFor boolean reachable returnVal 0 The c option of ping will allow ping to simply try.. using at the terminal . This will return 0 if the host is reachable . Otherwise you will get 2 as a return value. Much simpler but.. i.e. it could fail even though the input address is reachable . 2 The isReachable failure is an outstanding issue. Again there..