java Programming Glossary: pub
How to automate download and instalation of Java JDK on Linux? http 3A 2F http otn pub java jdk 7 jdk 7 linux x64.tar.gz Be sure to replace the download..
How to Create a Restful service for a Huge JSON data using Java eclipse Tomcat7.0 shown below subitem rate 123 baseitem 148 item HIJ section pub imagename pic.png hoteltables tableno 123 status active section.. pic.png hoteltables tableno 123 status active section pub custid 12 mainiteam status available item ABC itemid 12 section.. 12 mainiteam status available item ABC itemid 12 section pub imagename XYZ The java code for creating the above JSON is as..
Problems with clear case plugin eclipse plugin from this url http ibmdl pub software rationalsdp clearcase 60 update windows Has anyone..
Can SHA-1 algorithm be computed on a stream? With low memory footprint? std vector uint32_t make_block std string const in public Construct a SHA 1 object. More expensive that typical ctor.. return false os Message digest Verified. n n return true public bool operator uint32_t test_val std string const input std.. These test values and results come directly from the FIPS pub. char const input1 abc char const input2 abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq..
Apache Commons Net FTPClient and listFiles() import public class BasicFTP public static void main String args throws.. public class BasicFTP public static void main String args throws IOException FTPClient.. client.login anonymous FTPFile files client.listFiles pub for FTPFile file files System.out.println file.getName Gives..
How can I handle multiple messages concurrently from a JMS topic (not queue) with java and spring 3.0? I'm not sure what I'd suggest. Concurrent consumption of pub sub messages seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to do but..
checking a url exist or not share improve this question Better solution for HTTP public static boolean exists String URLName try HttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects.. false If you are looking for any other URL try this code public static boolean exists String URLName boolean result false.. boolean result false try url new URL ftp pub FreeBSD url new URL ftp pub FreeBSD123 this..
Struts2 vs Spring 3 of them on various degrees http pub key 0AtkkDCT2WDMXdC1HOEtnUHpCejJMbUhGeGJWUmh5dVE hl en output..
Converting a Java Keystore into PEM Format Info Public Key Algorithm dsaEncryption DSA Public Key pub 00 e2 66 5c e0 2e da e0 6b a6 aa 97 64 59 14 7e a6 2e 5a 45.. Info Public Key Algorithm dsaEncryption DSA Public Key pub 00 e2 66 5c e0 2e da e0 6b a6 aa 97 64 59 14 7e a6 2e 5a 45.. b1 af 55 63 92 7c d2 0f e6 f3 a2 f5 ff 1a 7a fe 8c 39 dd pub 00 e2 66 5c e0 2e da e0 6b a6 aa 97 64 59 14 7e a6 2e 5a 45..
Run ant from Java After some more searching I got here http pub a onjava 2002 07 24 antauto.html page 1 It is a great tutorial...
How is the fork/join framework better than a thread pool? in the tutorial example could be implemented like this public class Blur implements Runnable private int mSource private.. int mBlurWidth 15 Processing window size should be odd. public ForkBlur int src int start int length int dst mSource src.. mSource src mStart start mLength length mDestination dst public void run computeDirectly protected void computeDirectly ..