java Programming Glossary: put
Floating point arithmetic not producing exact results in Java static Map Integer Double ccc new HashMap Integer Double put 1 0.01 put 2 0.02 put 3 0.05 put 4 0.1 put 6 0.2 put 10 0.5.. Integer Double ccc new HashMap Integer Double put 1 0.01 put 2 0.02 put 3 0.05 put 4 0.1 put 6 0.2 put 10 0.5 put 20 1.0.. ccc new HashMap Integer Double put 1 0.01 put 2 0.02 put 3 0.05 put 4 0.1 put 6 0.2 put 10 0.5 put 20 1.0 put 30 2.0..
How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? JSP Servlet I tried this form action upload method post input type text name description input type file name file input type.. upload method post input type text name description input type file name file input type submit form However I only get.. type text name description input type file name file input type submit form However I only get the file name not the file..
Avoiding “!= null” statements in Java? something thus requiring the caller to check for nulls. To put this another way there are two instances where null checking.. or assert condition object where object 's toString output will be included in the error. An assert statement throws an.. public interface Parser Action findAction String userInput where Parser takes raw user input and finds something to do..
Overriding equals and hashCode in Java the other. Use the same set of fields that you use to compute equals to compute hashCode . Use the excellent helper classes.. same set of fields that you use to compute equals to compute hashCode . Use the excellent helper classes EqualsBuilder and.. make sure that the hashCode of the key objects that you put into the collection never changes while the object is in the..
Switch Statement with Strings in Java on a String in Java Is this functionality going to be put into a later Java version Can someone point me to an article..
How to use Servlets and Ajax? . My personal favourite is Google Gson . Download and put its JAR file in WEB INF lib folder of your webapplication. Here's.. String options new LinkedHashMap String String options.put value1 label1 options.put value2 label2 options.put value3 label3.. String String options.put value1 label1 options.put value2 label2 options.put value3 label3 String json new Gson..
Prevent user from going back to the previous secured page after logout pattern .jsp url pattern filter mapping Or if you want to put this restriction on secured pages only then you should specify..
Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 view html lang en head title JSP page title head body h outputText value JSF components here. body html f view the following.. facelets h head title XHTML page title h head h body h outputText value JSF components here. h body html Include page changes.. h uri http jsf html f subview id include h outputText value JSF components here. f subview ..should be changed..
In Java, what is the best way to determine the size of an object? You can use the java.lang.instrument package Compile and put this class in a JAR import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation..
How can I put a control in the JTableHeader of a JTable? can I put a control in the JTableHeader of a JTable Given a JTable with.. unappealing. If I don't need to sort the column how can I put a well behaved control in the JTableHeader Addendum For convenience..
How to reference components in JSF ajax? Cannot find component with identifier “foo” in view inspired from Primefaces' DataGrid DataTable Tutorials and put into a p tab of a p tabView residing in a p layoutUnit of a.. p column f facet name header h outputText value Name f facet p commandLink update insTable display.. target # instrumentBean.selectedInstrument h outputText value # p commandLink p column p..
Most elegant way to generate prime numbers dfa Use LINQ to lazily generate the list of primes Maghis Put lots of primes in a text file and read them in when necessary..
Facebook offline access step-by-step programmatically here's the automated version of steps 2 3 Put this on your web server as facebook_access_token.php php token..
Jar Mismatch Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list one from the extras area of your SDK installation. Step #3 Put the right JAR in App Library . Step #4 Delete the one from App..
JSP tricks to make templating easier? Files are the bee knees. Let's take your simple example. Put the following in WEB INF tags wrapper.tag @tag description Simple..
Eclipse WindowBuilder, overlapping JPanels JPanels I'm attempting to overlap JPanel instances. Put a panel directly on another in the exact same position and exact..
Why does “abcd”.StartsWith(“”) return true? string logically occurs between every pair of characters. Put it this way what definition of starts with could you give that..
Where to place configuration properties files in a JSP/Servlet web application? question It's your choice. There are basically three ways Put it in the classpath so that you can load it by ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream.. property of Tomcat conf . Put it somewhere in web folder the project's web content folder.. by the inherited GenericServlet#getServletContext . Put it somewhere in local disk file system so that you can load..
When to use Comparable and Comparator a specific use case then a Comparator is a better option. Put another way given the class name is it clear how a comparable..
Producer/Consumer threads using a Queue tools you need for this kind of thing. You will want to Put all your Producers in one ExecutorService Put all your Consumers.. will want to Put all your Producers in one ExecutorService Put all your Consumers in another ExecutorService If necessary communicate..
How do I programmatically compile and instantiate a Java class? is recipe for portability trouble. Don't do that. Put that file in classpath and use ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream..
What does java.lang.Thread.interrupt() do? Interruption in Java is not pre emptive. Put another way both threads have to cooperate in order to process..
How to reference constants in EL? There are however several ways to achieve the requirement Put them in a Map String Object which you put in the application..
Java Generics consideration to you the user of the generic class. Put it all together and you'll see the following line of code very..
The case against checked exceptions exception throw new RuntimeException exception Put this in one of your IDE's little code templates and use it when..
How get the base URL? You can if necessary use c set tag to make it yet shorter. Put it somewhere in the master template it'll be available to all.. document relative to this base. You could make use of it. Put it in the h head . base href # request.requestURL.substring..
Is there any easy way to preprocess and redirect GET requests? is been sent. You can make use of the PreRenderViewEvent . Put the following somewhere in your view f metadata f event type..
How to send PUT, DELETE HTTP request in HttpURLConnection? to send PUT DELETE HTTP request in HttpURLConnection I want to know if.. I want to know if it is possible to send PUT DELETE request practically through not finding any sample code which successfully perform PUT and DELETE request. Can any one give idea regarding that java..
Basic File upload in GWT FormPanel.METHOD_POST form.setAction WHAT SHOULD I PUT HERE VerticalPanel holder new VerticalPanel fu.setName upload..
Generics-Get and Put rule read O'Reilly book in that I came to know this GET and PUT rule Use an extends wildcard when you only get values out of..
Is it feasible to create a REST client with Flex? the take away Their PHP Groovy code uses and expects PUT and DELETE. But the Flex code has to use POST but sets the HTTP.. header X Method Override to DELETE you can do the same for PUT I presume . Note that this is not the Proxy method discussed.. standard behavior since some browsers etc. do not support PUT and DELETE and is a work around that has been around a while...
Is it wrong to use Deprecated methods or classes in Java?
RESTful on Play! framework user id Application.user POST user Application.createUser PUT user id Application.updateUser DELETE user id Application.deleteUser..
Relationship between JMS connections, sessions, and producers/consumers exists but it is on the COMMIT call rather then the PUT or GET. With transacted sessions it is possible to send or receive..
Why do you have to call URLConnection#getInputStream to be able to write out to URLConnection#getOutputStream? the stream close the stream If your request is a POST or PUT you need the optional step #2. To the best of my knowledge the..
how to call RESTful web service from android? good using a curl command like curl u username password X PUT http localhsot 8080 user . Now I want to call a REST web service..
Send HTTP GET request with header note we set the CONTENT_TYPE header only on a POST or PUT but the general method of adding headers via a request interceptor.. public static final int GET_TYPE 2 public static final int PUT_TYPE 3 public static final int DELETE_TYPE 4 HTTP request header.. HTTPRequestHelper.POST_TYPE requestType HTTPRequestHelper.PUT_TYPE sendHeaders.put HTTPRequestHelper.CONTENT_TYPE contentType..
Java httpPost into .asp form improve this question Whether or not the URL accepts a PUT in place of a POST depends entirely on the server. Most servers..