java Programming Glossary: out.tobytearray
How do I write to an OutpuStream using DefaultHttpClient? new HttpPost uri request.setEntity new ByteArrayEntity out.toByteArray Send the request DefaultHttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient..
Wav file convert to byte array in java
Program to create a PNG waveform for an audio file into the audio input stream for playback byte audioBytes out.toByteArray ByteArrayInputStream bais new ByteArrayInputStream audioBytes..
How do I write a restful web service that accepts a binary file (pdf) 1 out.write buffer 0 bytesRead in.close byte byteArray out.toByteArray return byteArray java web services rest attachment share..
Most efficient way to create InputStream from OutputStream an InputStream from OutputStream new ByteArrayInputStream out.toByteArray Other alternatives are to use PipedStreams and new threads which..
how can i unmarshall in jaxb and enjoy the schema validation without using an explicit schema file outs.get i to examine schema System.out.append new String out.toByteArray sources i new StreamSource new ByteArrayInputStream out.toByteArray.. sources i new StreamSource new ByteArrayInputStream out.toByteArray SchemaFactory sf SchemaFactory.newInstance XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI..
Detect silence when recording e System.exit 2 public File getAudioFile byte audio out.toByteArray InputStream input new ByteArrayInputStream audio try final AudioFormat..
how to download image from any web page in java buf out.write buf 0 n out.close in.close byte response out.toByteArray And you may then want to save the image so do FileOutputStream..