java Programming Glossary: numcolumns
Making the gridView center in Android true android gravity center_horizontal android numColumns 2 android stretchMode none RelativeLayout I have been breaking..
Most effecient conversion of ResultSet to JSON? ResultSetMetaData rsmd rs.getMetaData while int numColumns rsmd.getColumnCount JSONObject obj new JSONObject for int i.. JSONObject obj new JSONObject for int i 1 i numColumns 1 i String column_name rsmd.getColumnName i if rsmd.getColumnType..
Writing a large resultset to an Excel file using POI new FileOutputStream fileNameAndPath int numColumns rs.getMetaData .getColumnCount Workbook wb ExcelFileUtil.createExcelWorkBook.. 1 ResultSetMetaData rsmd rs.getMetaData for int x 0 x numColumns x Cell cell heading.createCell x 1 cell.setCellValue rsmd.getColumnLabel.. sheetNumber .createRow rowNumber for int y 0 y numColumns y row.createCell y 1 .setCellValue rs.getString y 1 wb.write..
How can I dynamically add images to a GridView? fill_parent android columnWidth 150dp android numColumns auto_fit android verticalSpacing 2dp android horizontalSpacing..