java Programming Glossary: numberformat.getinstance
How to check if a String is a numeric type in Java static boolean isNumeric String str NumberFormat formatter NumberFormat.getInstance ParsePosition pos new ParsePosition 0 formatter.parse str pos..
best way to parseDouble with comma as decimal separator? question Use java.text.NumberFormat NumberFormat format NumberFormat.getInstance Locale.FRANCE Number number format.parse 1 234 double d number.doubleValue..
How to set thousands separator in Java? based on JavaDoc DecimalFormat formatter DecimalFormat NumberFormat.getInstance Locale.US DecimalFormatSymbols symbols formatter.getDecimalFormatSymbols..
JTable cell editor number format myLocale Locale.getDefault NumberFormat numberFormatB NumberFormat.getInstance myLocale numberFormatB.setMaximumFractionDigits 2 numberFormatB.setMinimumFractionDigits.. number try ParsePosition pos new ParsePosition 0 Number n NumberFormat.getInstance .parse str pos if pos.getIndex str.length throw new ParseException.. Locale.getDefault better still NumberFormat numberFormatB NumberFormat.getInstance myLocale numberFormatB.setMaximumFractionDigits 2 numberFormatB.setMinimumFractionDigits..
How do I convert a String to Double in Java using a specific locale? specify it in the call to getInstance. NumberFormat nf NumberFormat.getInstance Locale.FRENCH You can also use a NumberFormat to parse numbers..
How to customize a tooltip of CategoryPlot items in JFreeChart?