java Programming Glossary: nutshell
What does 'synchronized' mean? done through synchronized methods. In a very very small nutshell When you have two threads that are reading and writing to the..
Is it good practice to use java.lang.String.intern()? Javadoc about String.intern doesn't give much detail. In a nutshell It returns a canonical representation of the string allowing..
cURL equivalent in JAVA get me close enough to handle the task Update This is in a nutshell the code I would like to replicate in JAVA cp curl_init my_url..
Why pool Stateless session beans? their state between two calls from the client. So in a nutshell we might consider them as objects with business methods. Each..
How to implement Java 256-bit AES encryption with CBC byte deciphertext decryptCipher.doFinal ciphertext In a nutshell what it should do is encrypt some message that can decrypted..
How should one unit test the hashCode-equals contract? should one unit test the hashCode equals contract In a nutshell the hashCode contract according to Java's object.hashCode The..
I don't know when to use a Service or AsyncTask or Handler self serving you really need to pick up a book. In a nutshell A service is an Android component that lives independently from..
Why we don't have to add try-catch to a RuntimeException? developer sufficiently to take action accordingly. In nutshell RuntimeExceptions should identify programmatically recoverable..
Best way to read structured binary files with Java to read a binary file in a legacy format with Java. In a nutshell the file has a header consisting of several integers bytes and..
Which framework is better CXF or Spring-WS? to function both as a provider and a consumer of WS. In a nutshell I have been told that Spring WS is more configurable but CXF..
How do servlets work? Instantiation, session variables and multithreading and set a cookie with a brand new session ID. In a nutshell The ServletContext lives as long as the webapp lives. It's been..
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets… makes sense? bean which is restored after the view tree is built. In a nutshell Use JSTL tags to control flow of JSF component tree building...
Switch Statement with Strings in Java the compilation of switch statements is described. In a nutshell there are two different JVM instructions that can be used for..
Regular expression to parse a log file and find stacktraces also handled by just doing a printStackTrace call. In a nutshell I've just redirected the System.out and System.error streams..
Why does Hashtable not take null key? implement the hashCode method and the equals method. In a nutshell since null isn't an object you can't call .equals or .hashCode..
How does Eclipse actually run Junit tests? a couple of changes to our test runner and test cases in a nutshell I added the Test suite method to all of my test cases which..
parse google geocode with xstream your immediate goal but you'll run into limitations. In a nutshell XStream isn't designed to do conversion of Tree Structure A.. to consider as well but I haven't used it in years. In a nutshell there aren't a lot of good Object to Object or XML to Object..
EL access a map value by Integer key it does not find the entry in the map. Thats it in a nutshell. EL uses the following wrappers Terms Description Type null..